Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 UNLEASHED [Electronic resources] نسخه متنی

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Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 UNLEASHED [Electronic resources] - نسخه متنی

Zak Ruvalcaba

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Creating the Employee Store Shopping Cart Using ASP

This chapter focuses on the UltraDev Shopping Cart server behavior. The next few sections provide you with a brief description of shopping cart technologies, an overview of the Shopping Cart behavior, and finally, how to integrate the Shopping Cart behavior with the Dorknozzle web application.

What Is a Shopping Cart?

The term

shopping cart has been thrown around for a few years now. But what exactly is a shopping cart? We know a shopping cart to be the physical basket on wheels that you push around at a grocery store. Think about why you use the grocery store shopping cart. You go to your local grocery store, you push around the cart and add items from shelves as you see fit. When your shopping cart is full or you decide that you are finished shopping, you push your shopping cart all the way to the front of the store to the checkout counter. At the checkout counter, you provide your debit card, cash, or check to the cashier, finish the transaction, and off you go. Sound familiar? The web is no different; rather than a physical shopping cart, however, you are provided with a virtual shopping cart, which is little more than a client-side cookie, user session, or combination of both. A virtual table, if you will, that takes items you request from the database and stores them in a temporary location (a cookie, a session, or both) until you are ready to check out. If you decide that you want another item or more of the same item, you keep adding to the cart. Similar to the grocery store checkout counters, virtual checkouts enable you to enter your credit card information for purchase. The major difference is that, rather than you physically walking away with the items, the items are conveniently mailed to your doorstep.

Most people think of shopping carts in the terms of the preceding example. But the same methodology is used in websites such as Microsoft's Clip Art Gallery, iTunes, Photodisc, and more. These websites use the same idea of a shopping cart, but rather than purchasing the items within your shopping cart, you download them. Think of online shopping carts as a virtual table that stores information the user requests for downloading or purchasing.

The UltraDev Shopping Cart

The UltraDev Shopping Cart (named such because of its initial integration with Macromedia's UltraDev product) is the perfect example of Dreamweaver's flexibility and extensibility in terms of shopping cart integration. Written purely in JavaScript by Rick Crawford, the UltraDev Shopping Cart consists of some powerful behaviors that enable you to create and manipulate merchandise within your web application. Aside from the central UltraDev Shopping Cart server behavior, the UltraDev Shopping Cart server behavior suite consists of the following functionality:

  • Add to Cart Via Form :
    Enables the user to select a form object within a page to manually insert an item into the shopping cart.

  • Add to Cart Via Link :
    Enables the user to select a link within a page to manually insert an item into the shopping cart.

  • Repeat Cart Region :
    Similar to the Repeat Region server behavior, the Repeat Cart Region repeats a table with multiple contents.

  • Update Cart :
    Updates items within the cart using a form object contained in the shopping cart page.

  • Save Cart to Table :
    Enables the user to save the order to a database table so that an administrator can later look through orders received for a particular day and mail out merchandise accordingly. This is where the Dorknozzle database's Orders table comes into play.

  • Get Unique ID from Table :
    Enables the cart to dynamically retrieve a unique ID from a database table.

  • Empty Cart :
    Selecting a link on the page empties the cart of its contents.

  • Redirect if Empty :
    Redirects the user to a different page if the shopping cart is empty.

The UltraDev Shopping Cart's functionality begins with the UltraDev Shopping Cart server behavior. Very similar to a recordset, the UltraDev Shopping Cart allows for dynamic text binding within form objects, tables, and so on. The UltraDev Shopping Cart server behavior is created in either the Server Behaviors or the Bindings panel, again similar to the recordset. Shopping cart items appear within the drop-down list, available by selecting the Add (+) button, along with the capability to bind the number of items within the cart, the sum of the quantity of all items in the cart, and the sum of the prices of all the items in the cart.

Now that you have a firm understanding of what constitutes the UltraDev Shopping Cart, let's go over the installation process.

Installing the UltraDev Shopping Cart

If you haven't done so already, you'll have to download the free UltraDev Shopping Cart and UltraCart Patch for UD4 extensions from After you've downloaded the extension, unzip the MXP file, and double-click to install it using the Macromedia Extension Manager as shown in Figure 28.1. The UltraDev Shopping Cart and UltraCart Patch for UD4 appear in the Dreamweaver 8 extensions list.

Figure 28.1. Install the Shopping Cart extension by double-clicking the MXP file, which is located in the Downloaded Extensions folder.

[View full size image]

Integrating the Shopping Cart with the Employee Store

Now that the UltraDev Shopping Cart has been installed, you can access it from either the Server Behaviors panel or the Bindings panel. The next few sections go over the UltraDev Shopping Cart in more detail as it relates to the Employee Store application in ASP. You can begin by opening Dreamweaver if you have not already done so already. Click the Add (+) button from either the Server Behaviors panel or the Bindings panel to reveal the UltraDev Shopping Cart, as shown in Figure 28.2.

Figure 28.2. Select the Add (+) button to reveal the newly installed UltraDev Shopping Cart.

Building the Employee Store Shopping Cart

Oddly enough, we build the Employee Store shopping cart starting with a View Cart page. The reasons for this is simple: First, to demonstrate how the UltraDev Shopping Cart behavior is utilized, and second, because it is the only page that uses the binding features within it. You can begin building the Employee Store shopping cart by following these steps:


Create a new page by selecting New from the File menu. Navigate to the Templates tab, choose the template titled Template from the DorknozzleASP site, and click Create.


Immediately save the page as viewcart.asp.


Add the Shopping Cart behavior by clicking the Add (+) button and selecting the UltraDev Shopping Cart option from the Bindings panel's submenu. The UltraDev Shopping Cart dialog appears.


Although there are certain options you'll need to customize in this dialog, first and foremost, you must name your cart. Like a recordset, it's best to name the cart something relevant to your site. For our purposes, enter the name

cartDorknozzle in the Cart Name text box.


The next option after Cart Name is the Days text box. To store the information that users place in their carts, a cookie is written to the user's computer. You can set the number of days to store the cookie or select 0 for none. For now, enter 0. This setting guarantees that when the browser is closed, the user's information is not stored. It is important to note that by setting the number of days you want to store the cookie, you are essentially allowing users to come back and still have the same items inside their carts. The cart does not empty until either the user physically empties it or the cookie expires.


Define the columns the cart will use to store data in the Define Shopping Cart Columns list box. By default, ProductID, Quantity, Price, and Total appear as fixed columns and cannot be removed or modified. These columns are part of the functions used by the Shopping Cart behavior. Because the default cart columns suffice for our example, leave this list box as is. After the list box is the Edit Column Name and Compute By text box and drop-down menu. Should you need to create your own custom column, name it here and choose how it should be computed (if it needs to be computed) from the Compute By menu. For instance, the Total field multiplies the Price column by the Quantity column to obtain a result. You can set these computations by hand for your custom columns using this selection. When you are finished configuring the dialog, the result should look similar to Figure 28.3.

Figure 28.3. Configure your cart accordingly.


Click OK to create the cart. The Bindings panel displays the cart, appearing similar to that of a recordset. Notice that the names of the columns match the EmployeeStore table almost exactly. These columns will eventually be read from the dynamic text inserted in the employeestore.asp page.


Now that you've created the shopping cart, you are ready to begin building the table that will display the dynamic data. Begin by removing the text that appears in the Content editable region and replace it with a new form by choosing Insert, Form, Form.


Place your cursor in the form and choose the Table option from the Insert menu. Give your new table four rows, five columns, a width of 450 pixels, a cell spacing and cell padding of 1, and a border thickness of 0. Click OK to insert the new table into the form.


Insert the captions

Product #, Name, Quantity, Price , and

Total in the cells of the first row of the table. Select all the captions and make them bold. The result is shown in Figure 28.4. You might decide to format the color scheme of the table to coincide with the color scheme of the Dorknozzle site. It's up to you.

Figure 28.4. Create a new table that displays the items in the cart.

[View full size image]


Drag the field names from the Bindings panel into the appropriate cells of the second row of the newly created table, as shown in Figure 28.5.

Figure 28.5. Drag the shopping cart columns into the appropriate cells in the table.

[View full size image]


To calculate the grand total of all the items in the cart, merge the three bottom-right cells, add the caption

Grand Total , and drag the sum[total] field from the Bindings panel into the table cell. The result is shown in Figure 28.6.

Figure 28.6. Create a cell for the grand total and drag the column from the shopping cart into it.

[View full size image]


You can also format how the total appears within that cell by clicking the drop-down arrow from the sum[Total] column in the shopping cart. Select 2 Decimal Places from the Currency submenu, as shown in Figure 28.7.

Figure 28.7. Format the text in the cell to the Currency data type.

[View full size image]

Although it doesn't seem like we've accomplished much, believe it or not, the majority of the work is done. The next few sections walk you through other options available in the Shopping Cart server behavior.

Repeating Cart Regions

Similar to the binding fields in a recordset, the UltraDev Shopping Cart displays only the first item added unless you allow for regions to repeat. You can insert the Repeat Cart Region to accomplish this task. To insert the Repeat Cart Region behavior, follow these steps:


Select the entire second row of the table in the viewcart.asp page similar to Figure 28.8.

Figure 28.8. Select the second row of the table.

[View full size image]


Select the Repeat Cart Region behavior from the UltraDev Shopping Cart submenu.

Making Quantities Editable

You've probably noticed that the quantities are currently hard-coded, meaning that when the user adds an item to the cart, the cart automatically inserts a single item. Rather than binding the Quantity column to the table cell (as it currently stands), you can add a text box to enable users to modify the quantity value on their own. Then by clicking an Update Cart button, users can change the quantities in the cart. You can add this functionality by following these steps:


Start by creating a new column in your cart table just after the Total column: Place your cursor in a cell in the last column and choose Modify, Table, Insert Rows or Columns. When the Insert Rows or Columns dialog appears, choose the Columns radio button, enter

1 in the Number of Columns text box, and choose the After Current Column radio button. Click OK to create the column.


With the new column in the table, you're now ready to insert a new button. This is the button the user will interact with when they want to update a quantity. To add the button, place your cursor in the cell just to the right of the bound cart.Total field and choose Insert, Form, Button. Give the button the value

Update and make sure that the button is set to Submit.


Create the text field that will display the quantities and ultimately allow the user to make edits. To do this, start by removing the cart.Quantity binding from the Quantity column. Then insert a new text field by choosing Insert, Form, Text Field. Name the text field

txtQuantity and assign it a Char Width of

5 .


Drag the Quantity binding from the cart bindings list in the Bindings panel into the Quantity text field, as shown in Figure 28.9.

Figure 28.9. Bind the Quantity field to the new text box.

[View full size image]


To get the cart update functionality to work, add the Update Cart server behavior. To do this, choose the Update Cart option from the UltraDev Shopping Cart submenu available by clicking the Add (+) button in the Server Behaviors panel. The Update Cart dialog appears.


The Update Cart dialog enables you to specify the form and form object to use for the cart update as well as a URL to redirect to after the update takes place. For our purposes, choose the form1 option from the Form menu and select the txtQuantity option from the Form element menu. The result is shown in Figure 28.10.

Figure 28.10. Configure the Update Cart dialog to handle your update.


Click OK.

When you've finished, the Update Cart server behavior appears in the Server Behaviors list and the form is highlighted in blue (because it is an invisible element.

The viewcart.asp page is completely finished. You can now see all the items as you insert them and update items within the cart as necessary. The next step focuses on the most important part of the chapter: adding items to the cart.

Adding Items to the Cart

So far, you've learned how to display the items contained in the cart. But you can't stop there. You need to be able to add items to the cart before you can actually view them. This section introduces you to the Add to Cart Via Form server behavior contained in the UltraDev Shopping Cart submenu.

As previously mentioned, there are two ways of adding items to the cart: Add to Cart Via Form and Add to Cart Via Link. Because both do virtually the same thing, this section focuses primarily on the Add to Cart Via Form server behavior. To add an item to the cart, follow these steps:


Open employeestore.asp if it's not open already.


To add items to the cart, you'll need to add a Button form element. This is the object that employees will use to initiate the addition of the particular item to the cart. To do this, start by creating two new rows under the current Cost binding: Place your cursor in the Cost cell and press the Tab key twice.


Add a new form to the cell by choosing Insert, Form, Form. In that form, add a new Button form element by selecting Insert, Form, Button. Change the value of the button to read

Add To Cart . The result is shown in Figure 28.11.

Figure 28.11. Insert a new form and form button to the newly created row.

[View full size image]


Before we select the Add To Cart via Form server behavior, we'll need to add an instance of the UltraDev Shopping Cart recordset. Do this by quickly switching to the Bindings tab, clicking the Add (+) button and selecting the UltraDev Shopping Cart option from the Bindings panel's submenu, entering the cart name

cartDorknozzle , and clicking OK.


Insert the Add To Cart Via Form server behavior by selecting it from the UltraDev Shopping Cart submenu, available by clicking the Add (+) button in the Server Behaviors panel. The Add To Cart Via Form dialog appears, similar to Figure 28.12.

Figure 28.12. The Add To Cart Via Form dialog allows you to add items to the cart.


The dialog enables you to configure all the data items that will be sent into the cart. You can select the form from which the data is coming, all the cart columns and their corresponding data elements in the recordset, the actual recordset to use, and the URL to redirect to after the addition takes place. Before we jump ahead however, select the form1 option from the Form menu.


You'll want to match up the corresponding cart items to their respective fields in the recordset. You can do this by selecting a cart column from the Cart Columns list and then selecting the appropriate radio button from the group that appears just below the list. In our case, we'll want to select the Recset Col radio button and select the appropriate recordset field from the menu. The exception is the Quantity column; for this column, use a numeric literal

1 , guaranteeing that only one item is inserted at a time. The following table illustrates the data elements to which you should point your cart columns. The resulting dialog looks similar to Figure 28.13.

Figure 28.13. Configure the Add to Cart Via Form dialog, matching the appropriate cart columns to their respective data elements.

Cart Column

Data Element



Recset col






Recset col



Recset col



Enter the value

viewcart.asp in the Go to URL text box and click OK.

Save your work and test the results in the browser by pressing F12. Log in to the site and navigate to the Employee Store link. Find an item to place into your cart and click the Add to Cart button. Figure 28.14 shows the result of the added item.

Figure 28.14. Adding an item displays it in the View Cart page.

[View full size image]

Select the Employee Store link in the navigation bar to be redirected back to the employee store page. Try adding a different item. Figure 28.15 shows how a different item is added but the cart remembers the previous addition.

Figure 28.15. Adding another item lists it in the cart page.

[View full size image]

Try modifying the quantity and then click the Update Cart button. Notice how the grand total changes to compensate for the added quantity.

Checking Out the Customer

Now that the customer has selected items to order, the customer may want to continue with the purchase. This section covers creating a checkout page so that a particular customer can verify items in the cart as well as personal and credit card information.


Notice that, throughout this section, there is no place for a customer to enter credit card information. The reason for this is twofold. First, we store the credit card information when the user registers, and second, tying the cart to a third-party payment host is beyond the scope of this book and is therefore not covered. This example supposes that the merchant (Shipping and Receiving) assumes responsibility for running the credit card after the order has been processed. It's important to point out, though, that a truly dynamic site would integrate some third-party online payment service such as VeriSign or PayPal for electronic payment deductions.

Creating the Checkout Page

When working with shopping carts, it's generally a good idea to provide a quick synopsis of the user's information as well as a detailed overview of all the items the user is purchasing. All this data can be integrated into a checkout page of some sort. On this page, you might also want to provide randomly generated order numbers that users can reference whenever they contact your customer support department. Another benefit to creating a checkout page is the capability for the user to track and print out the summary as an invoice. You can create the checkout page for the employee store by following these steps:


Rather than creating a new page from a template in this case, we'll use the same viewcart.asp page, save it as checkout.asp, and then create a new table under the existing cart table that represents the checkout functionality. With that said, open viewcart.asp if it's not open already and select Save As from the File menu. Name the file checkout.asp and click Save.


With checkout.asp open, add a new table with seven rows and two columns with the captions

Order Number, Employee ID, Name, Address, Credit Card, Number , and

Expiration . Place this table directly underneath the existing cart table. Format the table to match the color scheme you provided for the cart table.


Remove the Update Cart button and corresponding column. Also, remove the txtQuantity text field and associated Update Cart behavior. Rebind the Quantity column as a dynamic text element. The result will resemble Figure 28.16.

Figure 28.16. Remove the Update Cart functionality including Update Cart behavior, Text Box, and Update Cart button and rebind the cart.Quantity field to the table's cell.

[View full size image]


Place your cursor just after the newly created table and add a Submit button by choosing Insert, Form, Button. Give it the text value

Check Out and leave the Action as Submit. The result is shown in Figure 28.17.

Figure 28.17. Add a form Submit button to the page.

[View full size image]


Switch back to the viewcart.asp page and add a Check Out link pointing to the checkout.asp page just under the existing view cart table. The result is shown in Figure 28.18.

Figure 28.18. Add a new link that points to the checkout.asp page.

[View full size image]

The next few steps outline creating a new recordset to retrieve the Employees information as well as a customized way to create a randomized order number.

Obtaining the Customer ID

Probably the most crucial piece of the puzzle is the session variable created when the user logs in. So far, you've been adding items to your cart and modifying quantities without any concern for whom these items are for. If the user decided to purchase the items added to the cart, how would the application knowor you the merchant knowwhom to send the final merchandise to? Retrieving and setting that information into the checkout page allows us to process that information and eventually update that customer into the Orders table. Before we jump ahead of ourselves, let's look at how to retrieve the user's information into the checkout page:


Before we create the recordset that will retrieve the data from the database based on the session variable, let's create a new query in our Access database. (If you're using MSDE, you can create a new view.) To do this, open the dorknozzle.mdb file located in the Database folder and immediately switch to the Queries category.


From the Queries category, select the Create Query in Design View option. The Show Table dialog appears.


Select both the CreditCards and the Employees tables and click Add.


Choose both the Employees.* and the CreditCards.* options from the field menus as shown in Figure 28.19.

Figure 28.19. Select both the Employees.* and the CreditCards.* options from the field menus.

[View full size image]


Save the query by choosing the Save As option from the File menu and typing

EmployeesCreditCards when the Save As dialog appears. Click OK to save the query.


Close Access.


With the checkout.asp page open, create a new recordset by choosing the Recordset option from the Binding panel's Add (+) menu. The Recordset dialog appears.


Name the new Recordset

rsEmployee .


Select the connDorknozzle option from the Connection menu.


Select the EmployeesCreditCards option from the Table menu.


Create a new filter for Username and set that equal to the session variable MM_Username. The result is shown in Figure 28.20. Remember that the MM_Username session variable is what's created when you log in.

Figure 28.20. Create a new recordset for the customer. Also, add a filter that retrieves the value of MM_Username.


Click OK to create the new recordset.


With the recordset created, drag all the appropriate bindings from the Bindings panel list into their respective fields in the table. The result looks similar to Figure 28.21.

Figure 28.21. Drag all the data elements into their respective positions in the table.

[View full size image]

For simplicity's sake, we'll assume that Dorknozzle has credit card information on file. In a real-world scenario, however, you would most likely add text boxes here and allow the user to enter them manually before checking out.

Generating an Order Number

The creation of a randomly generated order number is always a good idea. This gives you a unique way of distinguishing the vast number of orders that you will eventually receive. It also provides a way for users to reference their orders if they ever need to contact you with a question or concern. You can create a randomly generated number by inserting some simple ASP code into your page. To do so, follow these steps:


Place your cursor inside the cell that will display the order number and switch to Code view.


Insert the following code:

Set oTools = Server.CreateObject("MSWC.Tools")
intNum1 = Abs(oTools.Random) Mod 9 + 1
intNum2 = Abs(oTools.Random) Mod 10
intNum3 = Abs(oTools.Random) Mod 10
intNum4 = Abs(oTools.Random) Mod 10
intNum5 = Abs(oTools.Random) Mod 10
intNum = (intNum1 & intNum2 & intNum3 & intNum4 & intNum5)

You can test the randomized code by launching the employeestore.asp page in the browser. Navigate to the employeestore.asp page and select an item to add to your cart. Click Check Out.

Figure 28.22 shows how the randomize function displays a five-digit number. Click Refresh to randomize to a new number.

Figure 28.22. The randomize code displays a five-digit randomized number.

[View full size image]

Writing to the Orders Table

The last order of business is to save all the information that the Shipping and Receiving department will need into the Orders table. To fully process orders (accept credit card numbers, automatically transfer funds to your bank account, and so on), you would want to integrate some third-party merchant software. For simplicity's sake, however, you are going to write all the order information to the Orders database, allowing the Shipping and Receiving department to extract the data as they see fit and process orders accordingly. A quick review of the Orders table, shown in Figure 28.23, shows the data for which you need to account for.

Figure 28.23. The Orders table contains an ID from all the necessary tables.

[View full size image]

You might be wondering why you are not including fields for all the information contained in the checkout.asp page. The beauty in relationships is that they let you account for the rest of the data items in a given page by using a unique ID. Later, when you want to extract all the information from a given table, you look it up by the ID contained in the Orders table. (This will make more sense toward the end of the section.) For now, let's concentrate on checking out the user and subsequently writing that data to the Orders table. You can do this by following these steps:


Review how the information will be written to the Orders table: You will use the Insert Record behavior, but remember that the Insert Record behavior requires form objects with data in them to extract. You can solve this problem by inserting hidden form fields next to all the data items in the checkout.asp page. You will need hidden form fields for the EmployeeID, ItemID, and Quantity, fields. Insert new hidden form fields by placing your cursor next to the data item and selecting Insert, Form, Hidden Field. Name the Hidden Form fields

hiddenEmployeeID, hiddenItemID , and

hiddenQuantity . The result is shown in Figure 28.24.

Figure 28.24. Insert hidden form fields for the EmployeeID, ItemID, and Quantity fields.

[View full size image]


Click the lightning bolt icon (binding) for each of the hidden fields in the Properties Inspector and point them to their respective binding in the cart recordset. This action guarantees that the values are written not only to the table cells, but into the hidden form fields as well. Although the ItemID and Quantity hidden fields will be bound to the ProductID and Quantity bindings in the cart recordset, the EmployeeID hidden field will be bound to the EmployeeID binding in the rsEmployee recordset.


Now that the form fields are inserted, you can create your Insert Record behavior. Select Insert Record from the Server Behaviors drop-down menu. The Insert Record dialog appears.


Select the connDorknozzle option from the Connection menu. Select the Orders option from the Insert into Table menu. Select the form1 option from the Get Values From menu.


Finally, notice how only the hidden form fields appear in the Form elements list box. Match up the appropriate form objects with their respective field names in the Orders table, as shown in Figure 28.25.

Figure 28.25. Modify the Form elements list box to match up the hidden text fields with the recordset field names.

[View full size image]


Click OK to close the Insert Record dialog.


Save your work.


Open the employeestore.asp page and press the F12 key to launch the page in the browser. Select an item from the employeestore.asp page. You are redirected to the viewcatalog.asp page, and the item appears in your cart.


Click the Check Out hyperlink. You are redirected to the checkout.asp page. Finally, click the Check Out button to process the order.

Now check the Orders table in the Access database to see the appropriate information written to the table.

If you open the Employees table, you will find that the user was in fact the user whose EmployeeID appears in the EmployeeID column. If you open the EmployeeStore table, you will notice that the ItemID selected is the ItemID that appears in the Orders table. Later, if you need to query the tables for products and employees, you can filter the results based on the IDs that appear in the Orders table.

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