A Public Duty
Can you be indifferent to the actions
of other people?
Can you exist in "isolation" and
as totally cut off from
the rest of the society? Can you
exist without any
relations with other people?
What effect does the goodness or
badness of the
society have on the individual?
What kind of individuals
grow up in a religious society?
When a person grows
up in an evil, corrupt and perverse
society, to what
evils is he led?
What responsibility does the Muslim
have towards
the society he or she lives in?
In Islam, everyone is responsible
before Allah towards
the society and no one can be indifferent
to the
actions of his neighbors.Each
person must realize
that he is linked to the rest of
society, and that the
society is like a single body of
which he is a part.Therefore, the true Muslim strives
with all his might
for the benefit and good of his
society.Islam teaches
Muslims that the heaven-sent programs
of Islam
lead the society to perfection
and happiness provided
that those programs are properly
carried out and
followed by all the people in the
society.Therefore, in order that all the
aspects of the laws
and regulations of religion be
properly carried out,
Islam places the responsibility
of ensuring the proper
implementation of the Islamic teachings
upon two
factors.Firstly, the legal Islamic authority,
that is, the legitimate
Islamic government.It is the duty
of the government
in Islam to put into practice all
the Islamic laws,
regulations and programs.Islamic government has the duty
of leading the individuals
of the society towards good deeds,
and it must
put an end to all instances of
injustice, oppression,
corruption and perversion.It must
severely punish
those who are guilty of these crimes,
and must constantly
encourage those who are religious
and benevolent.These are some of the most important
duties of
the Islamic government.Secondly, each and every Muslim
is considered in
Islam to be responsible for the
society and for practicing
the divine laws.Each person is
counted as a kind of
guardian and policeman.In Islam,
every Muslim must
pay attention to the actions and
behavior of the people
of his society, and must do what
he can to prevent
corruption.A Muslim must himself be good and
must also encourage
others to do good, and he must
strive for the
welfare of society.Islam calls
this duty "aI- amr bilma'ruf',
which means enjoining the right.A Muslim must also refrain from
sins and from
breaking the laws of Islam and
the Islamic government
(if it is truly Islamic), and as
far as he can, he must
try to prevent sins and corruption
from occurring in
the society.Islam calls this duty "al-nahy
an al-rnunkar".which
means forbidding the wrong.Al'amr bilma'ruf and al-nahy an
al-munkar together
form one of the most important
public duties
in Islam, and one of the foremost
duties of every Muslim.It is obligatory for every Muslim
to defend the
laws of his religion in this way,
and to strive to
safeguard them and have them carried
out.Allah tells
us in the Qur'an:
"You are the best nation (O Muslims)
brought out
for mankind, because you enjoin
what is right and
forbid what is wrong, and you have
faith in Allah...(3:109)."The Prophet (P.B.U.H.)of Islam
has said:
"Enjoin what is right and forbid
what is wrong.for
as long as you do so your society
will be strong and
happy; but when the Muslims would
fail in this, their
society will be dominated by oppressors
and no matter
how much they pray to Allah for
deliverance from the
oppressors, Allah will not answer
their prayers and
they will find no justice anywhere,
neither in the skies
nor in the earth.'
Now that you know about this great
and sacred duty,
what programs will you draw up
for the rest of your
life? How will you cooperate with
your friends in
performing this great duty?