Repeat After Me…
Remember, I said it might take a little time to grasp all the layout concepts shared here. That's because there's a lot of technical information to grasp hold of, and the only way it's going to take firm grasp is for you to get your hands very dirty with the code.At this point, I recommend downloading all the samples on the site and playing with them. Make mistakesgo ahead! It's an important part of discovery. What's more, there's nothing like that moment when you solve a problem that's been nagging at you for days.No matter what your interest is in HTML and CSS, I hope this book has helped you grasp how today's web designers and developers are approaching the increasingly complex field. There's so much that a book like this can't cover (good information architecture, usability). I've worked to point out helpful tips and tricks along the way, but I heartily encourage you to visit the many sites I've mentioned and dig in deeper.If you find yourself solving CSS problems in your sleep, you'll know that you're really starting to think like a web designer.