Programming with Microsoft Visual C++.NET 6ed [Electronic resources] نسخه متنی

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Programming with Microsoft Visual C++.NET 6ed [Electronic resources] - نسخه متنی

George Shepherd, David Kruglinski

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Save As command. See File Save As command

Save command. See File Save command

SaveBarStatus function, 341

script files, 52

scroll bars, 81–82, 144, 155–56

scrolling view windows, 81–85

ScrollWindow function, 81

SDI. See Single Document Interface

_sealed keyword, 913


IIS and, 866–68

WinInit and, 839

SelectObject function, 95, 96

SelectPalette function, 115

SelectStockObject function, 94–95

semaphores, 274

Send function, 825, 826

SendMessage function, 168, 280

SendRequest function, 841, 842

SEPARATOR constants, 312


making classes serializable, 393–96

overview, 391–92

role of CFile objects, 392

serializing collections, 396

serializing strings, 444

Serialize function

application framework and, 397

overview, 124, 391

SerializeElements function, 449–50

server extensions, 870–73

servers. See also IIS

domain names and, 812–13

HTTP server program example, 830–32

server-side ATL programming, 693–720

server-side controls, 963–67

ServerThreadProc function, 831–32, 835, 836

sessions, as OLE DB element, 773, 780

SetAccel function, 179

SetAddress function, 196

SetBkColor function, 114

SetCapture function, 111

SetCheck function, 313

SetClipboard function, 646

SetClipboardData function, 642, 648

SetCursor function, 111, 651

SetData function, 645

SetDefaultCharFormat function, 285

SetDIBitsToDevice function, 118

SetFilePointer function, 392

SetMaxPage function, 441

SetMinPage function, 441

SetModified function, 293

SetModifiedFlag function, 405

SetModify function, 285

SetObjects function, 752

SetPageSite function, 751

SetPaneText function, 320

SetPos function, 178

SetProperty function, 582

SetRange function, 178, 179

SetRegistryKey function, 338, 415

SetScaleToFitSize mode, 112

SetScrollPos function, 155

SetScrollSizes function, 112

SetSelectionCharFormat function, 285

SetSize function, 449

SetSystemPalette function, 124

SetTextColor function, 114

SetTime function, 195

SetTitle function, 292

SetWindowOrg function, 81

SetWindowPlacement function, 341

SetWindowPos function, 285

SetWindowText function, 285

Shape class, 939, 946, 950

shared components, 902

Shdocvw.dll file, 233

Shift+F1 key, 483, 488

short type, 394

shortcut menus

creating, 307

update command user interface message handlers, 313

ShowFont function, 100–101, 103

showing property pages, 756–58

ShowWindow function, 335

simulated COM

class factories and, 541–44

interfaces and, 533–38

IUnknown interface and, 538–41

Single Document Interface (SDI)

command message sequence, 281

CSingleDocTemplate class, 399

defined, 34

document overview, 397–405

finding main frame window, 313–14

main frame window, 310

multiple document views, 401

object interrelationships, 397–405

persistent frames in, 334–47

splitter windows, 458, 459–64

switching between view classes without splitter window, 464–66

windows, 278

Windows applications vs. MFC applications, 405

without document-view architecture, 526–28

single threading model, 699

single-threaded programming

message processing, 258

yielding control, 258–59

SIZE structure, 65

slider control, 178–79, 183–86

SLN files, 9

small-block heap, 250–51

Smalltalk, 4, 27

smart pointers

ATL and, 684–93

CComPtr class, 688–90, 731

CComPtrBase class, 684–88

CComQIPtr class, 690–92

COM and, 683–84

problems, 692–93

templates and, 679–81

ways to use, 682–83

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 954. See also Web services

Solution Explorer

adding Web references, 979

ManagedCWebFormWizard sample wizard and, 53

overview, 13

source code editor, Visual C++ .NET, 10

spin control, 179, 186–87, 295

splitter bars, 457

splitter windows

creating, 459–61

dynamic, 459–61

overview, 457–58

resources for splitter frames, 460

in SDI applications, 458, 459–64

static, 459, 461–64

view options, 458

SQL Server

ADO.NET implementation, 982–83

CompanyDB connection example, 984–85

SqlCommand class, 982, 986

SqlConnection class, 982, 983

SqlDataAdapter class, 982, 990–91

SqlDataParameter class, 982

SqlDataReader class, 982, 988

SqlDataRecord class, 982

SqlParameter class, 986

squares, drawing, 315, 317, 318–19

SRF (Server Response Files)

control flow and, 879–80

defined, 875

include files and, 880–81

multiple-application DLLs and, 878

overview, 877–78

role in ATL Server applications, 876–77

tag handlers and, 878–79

standard common controls

list control, 179–80

in modal dialog box, 181–94

overview, 178

progress control, 178, 183

slider control, 178–79, 183–86

spin control, 179, 186–87

tree control, 180, 191–93

Standard Docking Toolbar, 309

state variables

device context and, 91–92

vs. global variables, 64

static data members, 342

static splitter windows

vs. dynamic splitter windows, 459

overview, 459

STATSTG structure, 795

status bars

controlling, 321–22

default status bar, 309

defining panes, 320

Initial Status Bar, 309

overview, 319–20

setting message line value, 320–21

updating indicator, 321

status callbacks, WinInit and, 841–43

status indicator, 321

STDMETHOD_ macro, 560

STDMETHODIMP_ macro, 560

STGMEDIUM structure, 642, 644, 645

stored procedures, 986–87

StretchBlt function, 125

StretchDIBits function, 118, 125

string table resource, 43, 323–24

strings. See CString class

strong naming, 904

stubs, 556

SubclassDlgItem function, 359

submenus, 307

SUO files, 9

SuspendThread function, 265

swap file, 247–48

switching view classes without splitter window, 464–66

SYMBOL tag, 50–51

symbolic linkage, 498–99

synchronous vs. asynchronous Winsock programming, 820

SysAllocString function, 586

system palette, 115

/ 319