GAC (Global Assembly Cache), 265-268
installing control to, 267-268
GDI (Graphics Device Interface), 465
GDI+brushes, 490-493
ControlPaint class, 498-500
coordinate systems and transformations, 485-487
Graphics class, 481-493
drawing methods, 482-483
GraphicsPath methods, 484
members, 481-482
hit testing, 494-497
nonrectangular shapes, 496-497
for owner-drawn controls, 188
paint sessions, 466-469
painting and debugging, 480
painting optimization, 470-480
double buffering, 477-480
rendering mode and antialiasing, 475-477
and resizing, 470-471
window portions, 472-475
pens, 488-490
GDI+ controlsbutton controls, 512-518
details to handle, 501
graphing control, 525-530
simple, 501-512
gradient label, 502-505
gradient label design-time support, 505-508
marquee label, 509-512
vector-based drawing program, 519-525
GetBounds() method of Screen class, 150
GetChildAtPoint() method of Control object, 72
GetContextMenu() method of Menu class, 113
GetEditStyle() method of UITypeEditor class, 340
GetForm() method of ContextMenu class, 114
GetHdc() method of Graphics object, 481
GetImages() method for bitmap thumbnail viewer, 287-288
GetItemAt() method of ListView control, 213
GetLicense() method for custom LicenseProvider, 344-346
GetMainMenu() method of Menu class, 113
GetMinimumSize() method of DataGridColumnStyle class, 383
GetNextControl() method of Control object, 74
GetNodeAt() method of TreeView control, 231
GetNodeCount() method of TreeView control, 222
GetPaintValueSupported() method of UITypeEditor class, 340
GetPreferredHeight() method of DataGridColumnStyle class, 383
GetProperty() method, 300
GetService() method of ControlDesigner class, 334
GetStyle() method of Control object, 82
GetThumbnail() method of Image object, 286
GetThumbnailImage() method of Image class, 80
GetToolTip() method of ToolTipProvider control, 86
GetWorkingArea() method of Screen class, 150
Global Assembly Cache (GAC), 265-268
installing control to, 267-268
global message filters, attaching, 82
GotFocus event of Control object, 74
gradient label, 502-505
design-time support, 505-508
graphical user interface (GUI), 8-10
graphics. See painting
Graphics object, 481-493
accessing, 466-467
drawing methods, 482-483
GraphicsPath methods, 484
members, 481-482
PageUnit property, 485
SmoothingQuality property, 475-477
TextRenderingHint property, 476
GraphicsPath objectfor custom shaped control, 186-187
drawing, 482
filling, 483
IsVisible() method, 496
methods, 484
graphing control, 525-530
greyed out controls, 409
and tab order, 74
grid ActiveX controls, 89
grid, drawing, 498
GridBagLayout manager, 460
GridLayout manager, 460
GridLines property of ListView control, 212
GroupBox control, 178
groups, TreeView to display, 12-13
GUI (graphical user interface), 8-10