8.5. Using the Scanner
Hopefully, by now you are familiar enough with the scanner to know how to use it effectively. If not, let's quickly review the process of running the scanner against an application. We have already gone through the process of how to manually crawl and log data from a web application. Assuming we have the log file from the proxy server, we can call the parseLog.pl script to format the log data and redirect the script's output to our input file:
ParseLog.pl proxylog.txt > inputfile.txt Next, assuming the application requires authentication, we need to reauthenticate to the application and intercept a request subsequent to successful authentication (we can use our Burp proxy server to do this by checking the Intercept box under Client Requests on the Options tab). The intercepted request should contain a fresh Session ID or authentication token for us to provide our script for testing. If the application is anonymously accessible and doesn't require state management, we can probably skip this step. Before we actually begin testing an authenticated application, we also want to identify the login and logout requests within the input file and manually delete them. If we do not do this, the scanner will issue these requests during its execution, invalidating our Session ID or authentication token. Because of this issue, it's best that we test these pages manually. Now we are ready to run the scanner. We pass the scanner our input filename and hostname to be tested, along with the -c option and including the HTTP cookie value(s) we want to use for testing:
simpleScanner.pl -c "ASPSESSIONIDQARRTRQC= FGCBFJBABN NLNLKNCLJBPBGE;" inputfile.txt http://www.myhost.com It's that simple. We can optionally use the -v option to have the script print each request it makes; otherwise, it notifies us only when it detects a vulnerability. Keep in mind that we have merely scratched the surface as far as the potential for identifying web application vulnerabilities goes. In addition to identifying these vulnerabilities, we could extend the scanner to perform automated attacks and/or exploits in the event that a vulnerability is detected. In the next chapter, we will look at some examples of how to do that using the simple scanner we just developed.