Alien Skin's Eye Candy
I love this company. Not only do Alien Skin's designers produce great products, but they also have a wicked sense of humor. One of their promotional T-shirts reads, "Saturate the Industry with Freaks." Whether or not you qualify as a freak (and I'm sure some of you do), you're going to love Eye Candy. It comes in both Macintosh and Windows flavors, and can be found at your local software store or mail-order source for about $150. You can buy it online at, and you can also download a demo version for free.Some of the Eye Candy effects are probably not for everyday use, unless your day job is designing covers for a science fiction magazine. Others, however, like Bevel Boss and Shadowlab, can be very useful.The Alien Skin interface changes according to the effect you're applying, but the basic screen (shown in Figure 19.2) remains the same.
Figure 19.2. Alien Skin's Eye Candy, applying some fur to a selection.
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Figure 19.3. You might not use this every day, but it's fun.
Hour 24, "Photoshop for the Web.")
Figure 19.4. How many points on a star? With this filter, you can have up to 50.
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Splat! is another fun plug-in from Alien Skin. It creates frames, edge treatments, background fills and textures, surface textures, and mosaics. Splat! comes with a very large collection of images: some abstract, some strange, some beautiful and useful. Although you might not want to frame your girlfriend's portrait with cereal or teeth (complete with roots), white roses are nice. There are also lovely Art Nouveau edges, licensed from Dover Fine Arts. Of course, you can add your own image stamps, too.Be sure to check out Splat!'s texturizers. They are much more interesting than Photoshop's canvas and sandstone. The Splat! collection's interface, shown in Figure 19.5, is easy and intuitive.
Figure 19.5. Splat! makes it easy to jazz up this baby portrait by filling in the background with autumn leaves.
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Xenofex 2
Yet another terrific set of plug-in tools from the Alien Skin folks, Xenofex 2 is the new version of a long-time favorite. Within its 14 effects are filters to shatter, stain, burn the edges, make a mosaic or jigsaw puzzle, or cover your picture with clouds or stars, or make it look like it's printed on crumpled paper, just to name a few. Figure 19.6 shows a picture of a hot varsity basketball game, as a jigsaw puzzle. You can, of course, vary the size of the pieces, and the complexity.
Figure 19.6. One of the 14 Xenofex effects.
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