chapter 27
almighty allah says: o,you people! how could you be pleased with, and attached with this
world? indeed it is perishable, and its sustenance are disappear, and its
life is going to be cut short. thus indeed for the from me for the followers
there is heavens which has eight gates. and in each heaven, there are seventy
thousand gardens of sophorine. in each garden, there are seventy thousand
cities of pearls, both large and small. in each city, there are seventy
thousand palaces of ruby. in each palace, there are seventy thousand rooms
made of gold. in each room, there are seventy thousand stages made of silver.
in each stage, there are seventy thousand tables. on each table, there
are seventy thousand plates of jewels. in each plate, there are seventy
thousand kinds of food. around each stage, there are seventy thousand thrones
of red gold. and on each throne, there are seventy thousand carpets made
of silk and thick silk brocade. around each throne, there are seventy thousand
rivers flow with life water, wine, and pure honey. in each river, there
seventy thousand kinds of fruits. in the same manner, in each room, there
seventy thousand purple tents. in each tent there are seventy thousand
carpets. on each carpet, there seventy thousand huris(female angles) with
big eyes. with them there are seventy thousand mates as if they were eggs
carefully protected. and on top of each palace there are seventy thousand
domes of camphor. in each dome there are seventy thousand gifts from the
merciful, which hasn't been seen by any eyes, heard by any ears and no
human being could think of it. and there shall be fruits what they like,
and meet of birds what they like to eat. there shall be huris, the like
of the hidden pearls. a reward for what they used to do,(56:23-24). there
shall be no death, no crying and no grief, not going to be get old, no
worship and prayer, no fasting no sickness, no urinating, no stool shall
come, no growth, never going get afraid, and no body is going to take them
out. thus the one who seeks my pleasure, seeks my house generosity and
my neighbor, then he should seek these by giving sadaqa(alms), by un pleasing
this world, and by contentment with little. i bear witness of self for
self, there is no god but me, and esa (jesus) and uzair (ezra) are my two
servants among my servants, and two prophets among my prophets.
chapter 28
almighty allah says: o, son of adam! the wealth is mine and you are my servant. nothing is
yours except what you eat and finish and what you wear and turn it into
rags. what ever charity you give, you make it eternal. whatever you gather
does not benefit you and it becomes worthless. indeed, you are divided
into three parts: one part is for me, one part is for you and the last
part is between you and me. the one which is for me is your soul. the other
one which is for you are yourdeeds, the third part which is between you
and me is supplications on your part and acceptance on my part. o, son
of adam! be humble so that you can know me. stay hungry so that you can
see me. pray to me so that you can find me. be alone so that you can reach
me. o, son of adam! a king is thrown into hell because of his oppression,
an arab because of his pride of being an arab, a scholar because of his
jealousy, the poor because of his lies, businessmen because of their treachery,
farmer because of their ignorance, worshipers because of their showing
off, wealthy people because of their pride indigent because of their carelessness,
dyers because of their fraud, preventor of zakat because of their prevention.
then where are the seekers of jannat (heaven)?
chapter 29
almighty allah says: o, you who believe! be careful of (your duty to) allah with the carewhich is due to him, and do not die unless you are muslims (3:102) o, son
of adam! the parable of deeds without knowledge is like thunder without
rain. knowledge without practice is like tree without fruit. knowledge
without piety and humbleness (zuhd wa khusho'u) is like wealth without
zakat (alms), food without salt and like cultivation on rocks. parable
of knowledge in the eyes of the insane is like pearls and rubies in the
eyes of animals. the example of hardened heart is like a solid stone in
water. giving advise to a person who is not willing to listen is like whistling
in front of graves. giving sadqa(alms) from haram wealth is like washing
feces with urine. prayer without zakat is like body without soul. deeds
without tawba(repentance) is like building without foundation. what! do
they feel secure from allah's plans? but none feels secure from allah's
plan except the people who shall perish (7:99).
chapter 30
almighty allah says: o, son of adam! as much as your heart desires towards this world that
much my love gets away from your heart. indeed, i will not let my love
and love of this world gather in one heart. be alone for my prayers.purify
your deeds from showing-off then i will make you wear the clothes of my
love. turn towards me and be ready for my remembrance, i will remember
you in front of my angles. o, son of adam! remember me with humbleness,
i will remember you with my blessings. remember me by fighting with your
soul, i will remember you by watching. remember me on the earth, i will
remember you in the grave. remember me in bounties and in good health,
i will remember you in difficulties and loneliness. remember me in good
health and wealth, i will remember you in your poverty and hardship. remember
me with truth and purity, i will remember you in exalted heaven. remember
me by being kind towards poor people, i will remember you in heaven, the
place to be resorted to. remember me by submission, i will remember you
with divinity. remember me by crying, i will remember you with mercy. remember
me with words, i will remember you with rewards. remember me by abandoning
this world, i will remember you by giving you salvation of the hereafter.
remember me in your extreme difficulties, i will remember you with perfect
chapter 31
almighty allah says: o, son of adam! remember me, i will answer you. call upon me withoutcarelessness, i will answer you without any delay. call upon me with empty
heart, i will answer you by promoting you to higher rank. call upon me
with purity and piety, i will answer you by presenting the heaven, the
place to be resorted to. call upon me with fear and hope, i will make all
your affairs easy and successful. call upon me by my high names, i will
meet your high demands. call upon me in this perishable and vanishing house,
i will answer you in the house of reward and eternity. o, son of adam!
how long are you going to say allah, allah, while you have (others)besides
allah in your heart.your tongue is remembering allah, but you fear besides
(others) allah and you have in (others) besides allah.if you would have
known allah you would not have given importance to any thing besides
commit sins and you don't seek pardon from allah? indeed, seeking pardon
and constantly sinning (at the same time) is the repentance of liars (tawbatul
kazibin), allah is not unjust to his servants(41:46).
chapter 32
almighty allah says: o, son of adam! your death is laughing at your decree is
laughing at your death. my destiny(taqdeer) is laughing at your plans(tadbeer).
my hereafter is laughing at you world. my fortune is laughing at your greed.
indeed, your sustenance are known and measured, written and treasured.
therefore, rush towards death with your good deeds before death overtakes
you, because nobody is going to eat up (your sustenance). we have distribute
among them their livelihood in the life of this world. and we have exalted
some of them above others in degrees, that some of them may take others
in subjection; and the mercy of your lord is better than what they amass(43:42).
o, son of adam! death is going to befall upon you even if you dislike it.
have patience on your lord's commands, because your are indeed going to
be raised. then declare the glory of your lord and praise him while you
are awake at night and declare glory of him at the time when the stars
chapter 33
almighty allah says: o, son of adam! you devise plans and i devise plans, but nothing happensexcept what i plan. the one, who tries to reach me, knows me. the one,
who knows me, wants me. the one, who wants me, seeks me. the one, who seeks
me, finds me. the one, who finds me, serves me. the one, who serves me,
remembers me. the one, who remembers me, i remember him with my mercy.
o, son of adam! your deeds are not going to be purified unless you taste
four kinds of death: red death, yellow death, black death, white death.
red death is tolerance of calamities and abstaining from harming others.
yellow death is hunger and hardships. black death is to disobey the desires
of your ego. therefore, do not obey your evil desires, otherwise they will
take you away from the path of allah. white death is seeking to be hermit
chapter 34
almighty allah says: o, son of adam! my angels are watching you night and day so that they
may write against you what you say and do, be it little or much. my heavens
bear witness to everything you see. the earth bears witness for every action
of yours that you've done on it. the sun and the moon and the stars are
being witness against you, for whatever you say and do. whatever is hidden
in your heart, i know it very well. don't be negligent about yourself.
indeed, you will be caught in the claws of death. after a very short period
of time, you will be marching (towards death). whatever good or bad deeds
you have brought forward, they will be there without any addition or subtraction.
you shall be paid back for everything that you've done. o, son of adam!
the lawful never comes to you but little by little, and the unlawful comes
towards you like a flood. one who has cleansed his passions has cleansed
his "deen"(way of life).
chapter 35
almighty allah says: o, son of adam! do not be pleased with your wealth; it won't last forever.
do not become sad because of poverty; it is neither a burden nor is it
incumbent upon you. do not become hopeless because of calamities; indeed
gold is tested by melting it in fire; likewise a believer is tested by
calamities (balaa). indeed, the wealthy are respected in this world and
humiliated in the hereafter. and the poor are humiliated in this world
and respected in the hereafter. indeed, the hereafter is prosperous and
eternal. o, son of adam! if you see your quest staying (due to circumstances)
for more than nine day then you say: " i seek refuge with allah from his
wrath". o, son of adam! the wealth is mine and you are my servant and the
quest is my messenger. if you stop giving my wealth to my messenger, then
do not desire my heaven and my sustenance. o, son of adam! the wealth is
mine and the rich are my representatives and the poor are my dependents.
the one who is mean towards my dependents i will make him enter into hell
and i will not care for him! o, son of adam! three things are incumbent
upon you from your wealth: zakat (alms), kindness towards relatives, and
respect for guests. if you don't do what i have made incumbent upon you,
indeed i will engulf you in fear and i will make you an example (ibrat)
for all mankind. o, son of adam! if you don't care for your neighbors as
you care for your children, i will not see you, i will not accept your
(good) deeds, and i will not accept your supplications. o, son of adam!
don't be proud of the likes of you. indeed, your beginning is from sperm
which is unclean (nagis) and which is from flowing semen. it comes from
between the back and the ribs (86:7). o, son of adam! remember the time
in which you will stand before me humiliated. indeed, i am not unaware
of your secrets for even a blink of an eye. indeed, i comprehend (the secrets)
that are in their hearts(3:119).
chapter 36
almighty allah says: o, son of adam! be generous! indeed, generosity is part of pure certaintyand certainty is part of faith and faith is from heaven. o, son of adam!
beware of being a miser! indeed, miserliness is from kufr(disbelief) and
kufr is from hell. o, son of adam! beware of the curse from the oppressed!
because nothing can prevent it from reaching me. if i did not love to forgive,
i would not have tested adam and then sent him back to heaven. o, son of
adam! if i did not love to forgive, i would not test my servants with sins.
o, son of adam! i have given you faith and forgiveness without your asking
and crying for it. then how can i be mean by not giving you heaven and
forgiving you when you are seeking and crying for it (heaven). oh, son
of adam! if any of my servants holds fast unto me, i will guide him. whenever
any of them trusts me, i will make him sufficient. if he trusts others
besides me, i will cut him off from the bounties of the heavens and the
earth. o, son of adam! do not miss the morning prayer (fajr), because all
the things on which the sun shines will pray for the one who performs the
prayers. o, son of adam! you have made all my commands go in vain and you
are ready to commit sins. then who will protect you on the day of judgement
from my wrath?
chapter 37
almighty allah says: o, son of adam! behave with the people in good manners and i will loveyou. i will put your love in the hearts of pious people; and i will forgive
your sins. o, son of adam! put your hands on your head. think: whatever
you like for yourself, like the same for others. o, son of adam! do not
be grieved over what you lose in this world. do not be happy with what
you gain from this world. indeed, this world may be yours today, but tomorrow,
it will be for others. o, son of adam! seek hereafter and leave this world,
because an atom of the hereafter is better for you than all this world
and what it contains. o, son of adam! be ready for death before it comes
to you! if i wanted to give this world to any of my servants, i would have
given it to my prophets, so they would call my servants to my obedience.
o, son of adam! how many wealthy people have been made poor by death?!
how many laughing people have cried because of death?! how many of my servants
are those upon whom i have bestowed my bounties in this world? but they
exceeded all limits and stopped obeying (my commands) till death over took
them and put them into hell. how many of my servants are those upon whom
i have bestowed my this world, but they still are patient?they die and
enter heaven.
chapter 38
almighty allah says: oh, son of adam! you start your day with two great bounties. you don'tknow which one is greatest for you. your sins that are hidden from the
eyes of the people or the good praises about you from people.if people
know what i know about you, not one of my creatures will say salaam (halo)
to you!purify your deeds from showing off and expecting praise. indeed
you are humble servants of the lord you are ordered to obey him.increase
your belongings! indeed, you are a traveller! there is need of belonging
for every traveller.oh, son of adam! my treasure never ends. my hand is
open for gifts forever.whatever you spend in my way i will give you that
much backwhatever you cease to spend in my way i will cease to give bounties
to you.oh, son of adam! fear of poverty means distrusting almighty allah
the exalted.because of your uncertainty you are mean towards the indigent.oh,
son of adam! those who are grieves about their sustenance, indeed they
have doubted my bounties and have not acknowledged my prophets. indeed,
they have rejected my lordship; and the one who has rejected my lordship
surely, i will put him in hell on his face.
chapter 39
almighty allah says: oh, son of adam! make your heart agree with your tongue, and your tongueagree with you deeds, and purify your deeds by acting for my sake only.indeed
the heart of a hypocrite does not agree with his tongue, and his tongue
does not agree with his deeds, and his deeds are for other than allah.oh,
son of adam! whatever you speak with your tongue, whatever you see with
your eyes, whatever steps you take, there are two angles with you who write
for you and against you.oh, son of adam! i did not create you for gathering
wealth for yourself and others; but i created you to worship me humbly
and thank me a lot, and praise my glory day and night. indeed, your sustenance
is determined. the greedy is deprived. the miser is condemned. the jealous
is sorrowful. the tester is ever living and eternal. !oh, son of adam!
serve me! indeed, i love those who serve me. indeed you are degrade and
weak servant, and i am powerful and glorious lord. if your brother just
smells your sin, he will never sit beside you. your sins are increasing
everyday and your life is decreasing. don't waste your life in falsehood
and carelessness. if you want more then be in the company of the generous.
seek refuge from the worldly people and mix with the deprived. oh, son
of adam! the one whose ark has been destroyed in the sea and he is afloat
on apiece of wood; his difficulties and his hardships is not greater than
yours because you are+, certain of your sins. oh, son of adam! i become
closer to you with prosperity and by hiding your sins. it is you that by
your disobedience and by making this world your and destroying your hereafter,
you make me your enemy. oh, son of adam! if you don't sit with the poor
and the prosperous people then how will you be prosperous? oh, musa son
of imran! listen carefully to what i say!people feel secure from the mischief
of the one who has true faith in allah. mischief means oppression, tricks,
gossiping, backbiting, injustice, jealously, harm,internal(secret)and external(appearance).
chapter 40
almighty allah says: oh, son of adam! i will fill your heart with poverty, your hands withdifficulties, your body with afflictions, your chest with grief, i will
not answer your supplications and i will make your world difficult for
you and decrease your sustenance. oh, son of adam! i am pleased with your
day to day prayer and you be pleased with my day to day sustenance. oh,
son of adam! go slow! indeed your sustenance is distributed. the greedy
is deprived. the jealous is degraded.the bounties of this world are not
permanent! oh, son of adam! make your ark strong! indeed, the ocean is
deep and deep. and add to your provisions because the journey is long and
difficult. oh,musa! indeed the servants act in this world until death overpowers
him. then he regrets his past sins and wrongdoing. he then seeks to return
to this world so he can do good deeds.our lord, we have seen and we have
heard, therefore send us back,