When Amir al-mu'minin was told that
the Kharijites had been totally killed, he said:
By Allah, no, not yet. They still exist in the loins
of men and wombs of women. Whenever a chief would appear from among them, he would be cut
down till the last of them would turn thieves and robbers. (1)
This prophecy of Amir al-mu'minin also proved true word by word. Every chief of Kharijites
who rose was put to sword. A few of their chiefs who were badly put to death are mentioned
1) Nafi ibn Azraq al-Hanafi: the
largest group of the Kharijites namely al-Azariqah is named after him. He was killed by
Salamah al-Bahili during encounter with the army of Muslim ibn Ubays. 2) Najdah ibn Amir: the an-Najadat
al-Adhiriyyah sect of Kharijites is named after him. Abu Fudayk al-Khariji got him
killed. 3) Abdullah ibn Ibad at-Tamimi:
the sect Ibadite (Ibadiyyah) is named after him. He was killed during encounter with
Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn Atiyyah.
4) Abu Bayhas Haysam ibn Jabir
ad-Dubai: the sect of al-Bayhasiyyah is named after him. Uthman ibn Hayyan al-Murri the
governor of Medina got his hands and feet severed and then killed him. 5) Urwah ibn Udayyah at-Tamimi:
Ziyad ibn Abih killed him during the reign of Muawiyah. 6) Qatari ibn al-Fuja'h al-Mazini
at-Tamimi: when he encountered the army of Sufyan ibn al-Abrad al-Kalbi in Tabarastan then
Sawrah ibn al-Hurr ad-Darimi killed him.
7) Abu Bilal Mirdas ibn Udayyah
at-Tamimi: was killed in encounter with Abbas ibn Akhdar al-Mazini. 8) Shawdhab al-Khariji al-Yashkuri:
was killed during encounter with Said ibn Amr al-Harashi.
9) Hawtharah ibn Wada al-Asadi:
was killed at the hands of a man of Banu Tayyi'
10) al-Mustawrid ibn Ullafah
at-Taymi: was killed by Maqil ibn Qays ar-Riyahi in the reign of Muawiyah.
11) Shabib ibn Yazid ash-Shaybani:
died by being drowned in river.
12) Imran ibn al-Harith ar-Rasibi:
was killed in the battle of Dulab.
13, 14) Zahhaf at-Ta'i and Qurayb
ibn Murrah al-Azdi: were killed in encounter with Banu Tahiyah.
15) az-Zubayr ibn Ali as-Saliti
at-Tamimi: was killed in encounter with Attab ibn Warqa' ar-Riyahi.
16) Ali ibn Bashir ibn al-Mahuz
al-Yarbui: al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf ath-Thaqafi got him killed.
17) Ubaydullah ibn Bashir: was
killed in encounter with al-Muhallab ibn Abi Sufrah in the battle of Dulab.
18) Abu'l-Wazi ar-Rasibi: a man in
the graveyard of Banu Yashkur felled a wall on him and killed him.
19) Abdu Rabbih as-Saghir: was
killed in encounter with al-Muhallab ibn Abi Sufrah.
20) Al-Walid ibn Tarif
ash-Shaybani: was killed in encounter with Yazid ibn Mazyad ash-Shaybani.
21-24) Abdullah ibn Yahya
al-Kindi, al-Mukhtar ibn Awf al-Azdi (Abu Hamzah ash-Shari), Abrahah ibn as-Sabbah and
Balj ibn Uqbah al-Asadi: were killed by Abd al-Malik ibn Atiyyah as-Sadi in the reign
of Marwan ibn Muhammad (the last of the Umayyad caliphs).
.Forward to Sermon 60.Back to Sermon 58.