just estimation of
qur'an verses inform the true attributes of allah as below:
"allah! there is no allah but he,-the living, the
self-subsisting, eternal. no slumber can seize him nor sleep. his
are all things in the heavens and on earth. who is there can
intercede in his presence except as he permitteth? he knoweth what
(appeareth to his creatures as) before or after or behind them. nor
shall they compass aught of his knowledge except as he willeth. his
throne doth extend over the heavens and the earth, and he feeleth no
fatigue in guarding and preserving them for he is the most high, the
supreme (in glory)." (al-baqara, 255)
"allah is he who created seven firmaments and of the earth a
similar number. through the midst of them (all) descends his
command: that ye may know that allah has power over all things, and
that allah comprehends, all things in (his) knowledge."
(at-talaq, 12)
however, most people do not perceive allah as he is described in
the above verses. they believe in some superstitions that they make
up themselves. as a matter of fact, they cannot comprehend his
eternal power and greatness, they think that allah is somewhere far
in the universe, and does not, or rarely interferes in "earthly
matters". those people are defined in the qur'an, in the verse hajj
74 : "no just estimate have they made of allah: for allah is he who
is strong and able to carry out his will."
conceiving allah's power thoroughly may be the first ring of the
belief chain. believers leave the distorted values of their
community and deny them saying: "there were some foolish ones among
us, who used to utter extravagant lies against
allah;"(al-jinn 4)
the believers believe in allah the way qur'an describes. they
examine the signs of allah in both external and internal worlds, and
they start to understand the great art and power of allah. but if
the believers happen to overlook allah and ponder deeply on him and
on his creation, they may start to shift to the immoral beliefs of
the others. allah mentions this as a potential risk in the verses
about the believers who give up during the war in al-e-imran 154:
"...while another band was stirred to anxiety by their own feelings,
moved by wrong suspicions of allah-suspicions due to ignorance..."
a believer would never like to make such a mistake, therefore he
should free his heart from everything that belongs to the belief of
the ignorant and accept this real faith with all his heart as the
way qur'an describes.
fear allah as much as you can
to fear allah, is
the beginning of all. the more one fears allah, the more superior he
becomes in the presence of allah. and since this has no limits, one
can increase this fear if he desperately requires it from
allah. qur'an gives the examples of the prophets. the believers can
compare themselves with the prophets and understand that they really
can increase their fear to allah.
allah wants people to fear himself as strong as can be. in order
to gain that, many various ways can be found, for example; spending
in allah's way, doing good deeds, taking the prophet as our example,
obeying him, being attentive on the rules of allah etc.
"so fear allah as much as ye can; listen and obey and spend in
charity for the benefit of your own soul and those saved from the
covetousness of their own souls,- they are the ones that achieve
prosperity."(at-taghabun 16)
"o ye who believe! fear allah as he should be feared, and die not
except in a state of islam."(al-e-imran 102)
nothing in the
universe is accidental. as qur'an tells us: "... he doth regulate
all affairs, explaining the signs in detail,..." (al-rad 2). in
another verse: "... not a leaf doth fall but with his knowledge:..."
(al-anaam, 59). it is allah, who creates and directs all the events;
how they will begin and how they will end. it is again allah who
determines every movement of every star in the universe, every state
of every living thing on earth, the way one will live, what one will
say, what one will encounter with, as expressed in the verses:
"verily, all things have we created in proportion and
measure."(al-qamar 49)
"no misfortune can happen on earth or in your souls but is
recorded in a decree before we bring it into existence: that is
truly easy for allah:"(al-hadid 22)
the believers should be aware of this big reality, therefore they
should never act as those who deny. having understood that life is
just "watching the destiny", they should never get disappointed or
afraid of anything. they should be confident and sober as mohammed
(saw), who tells abu bakr "... "have no fear, for allah is with
us"..." (al-tawba 40) when found in the cave by the idolaters who
want to kill them.
putting trust in allah
since allah is the
decision-maker, every happening is in favor of the believers:
because everything has been planned for the benefit of religion and
for the hereafter of the believers. for that reason, believers trust
and rely only on allah. he is the only protector. what a believer
should do is to behave as allah wants him to: fulfilling his
responsibilities but waiting to see the result, believing that it
has already been planned by allah. below verses express this mystery
which is unknown to unbelievers.
"... and for those who fear allah, he (ever) prepares a way out,
and he provides for him from (sources) he never could imagine. and
if any one puts his trust in allah, sufficient is (allah) for him.
for allah will surely accomplish his purpose: verily, for all things
has allah appointed a due proportion."(at-talaq 2-3)
"say: "nothing will happen to us except what allah has decreed
for us: he is our protector": and on allah let the believers put
their trust."(al-tawba, 51)
what the believers should say to the unbelievers is also stated
in the qur'an: "no reason have we why we should not put our trust on
allah. indeed he has guided us to the ways we (follow). we shall
certainly bear with patience all the hurt you may cause us. for
those who put their trust should put their trust on
allah."(ibrahim 12)
"if allah helps you, none can overcome you: if he forsakes you,
who is there, after that, that can help you? in allah, then, let
believers put their trust."(al-e-imran 160)
in the qur'an, it
is mentioned that the unbelievers are the people who does not
recognize and appreciate the signs of allah. the significance of a
believer is his ability to see those signs and proofs. they know
that these are not created in vain, they can realize the power and
great art of allah everywhere and find ways to appraise him.
"men who celebrate the praises of allah, standing, sitting, and
lying down on their sides, and contemplate the (wonders of) creation
in the heavens and the earth, (with the thought): "our lord! not for
naught hast thou created (all) this! glory to thee! give us
salvation from the penalty of the fire."(al-e-imran 191)
many times in the qur'an, there are expressions like "will you
not take heed?", "...there is a sign for thinking men" which
emphasize the importance of pondering on the signs of allah. allah
has created an endless list of things to be the subjects of
pondering. everything we see and sense is indeed a manifestation and
sign of allah; so all those in heavens and in earth and in between
may be a means of pondering for us. one of the verses tells:
"with it he produces for you corn, olives, date-palms, grapes and
every kind of fruit: verily in this is a sign for those who give
thought."(an-nahl 11)
let's think for a while of one of the items mentioned in the
above verse; for instance of the "dates". tree, as well known, grows
up from a seed out of the earth. from this tiny seed (a seed is not
even 1 cm3. in size), an enormous wooden mass of 4-5 meters long and
hundreds of kilograms of weight, forms. the only thing that seed can
use while constituting this great mass is the earth in which it is
how can a seed know how to constitute a tree? how does it know to
how to decompose the necessary substances in the soil to form wood?
how can it predict the required shape and structure? this last
question is especially important, because it is not an ordinary
wooden piece that emerges out from the seed. the seed develops a
complex living organism with roots for assimilating substances from
the earth, with veins in itself and with branches that are perfectly
organized. a human being has difficulty while drawing even a picture
of a tree, but on the other hand a simple seed can produce that
extremely complex object using the substances in the soil.
this observation concludes that a seed is extremely intelligent
and wise, even more than us. or better to say, there is an amazing
intelligence in what a seed does. but what is the source of that
intelligence? how can it be possible for a seed to have such an
intelligence and memory like a computer "chip"?
the chips are produced by people who have intelligence and
knowledge. just like a seed, which is created by allah with the
ability to develop a tree. every seed on earth is encompassed by
allah and grow within his knowledge. in one of the verses it is
"it is allah who causeth the seed-grain and the date-stone to
split and sprout. he causeth the living to issue from the dead, and
he is the one to cause the dead to issue from the living. that is
allah: then how are ye deluded away from the truth?"(al-anaam
seed is merely one of the numerous signs that allah has created
in the universe. if men begin to think with not only their minds but
also with their hearts, and asking the question of 'why' and 'how'
to themselves, they can understand that all the universe is the
proof of the existence and power of allah.
being careful
as we have stated
at the beginning, allah has created the universe to show the signs
of his creation. nothing is created in vain.
however, the unbelievers cannot understand; since they don't have
the ability to "see" this purpose. as the qur'an expresses: "they
have eyes wherewith they see not, ..." (al-araf 179). they do not
have the wisdom and comprehension to realize the important reality
with their materialistic vision.
on the other hand, believers are different than this
'blind' group because they realize and accept that the whole
universe is created by allah with a certain aim and wisdom. this
belief is the first step of faith. as faith and wisdom, both of
which are in parallel, increase, they will start to identify every
detail of allah's creation.
one of the things to be done to identify the details of allah's
creation is to be careful and observant. because the ability to see
the signs of allah and not to be "blind" like the unbelievers,
require a high concentration.
"be quite sure that to allah doth belong whatever is in the
heavens and on earth. well doth he know what ye are intent upon: and
one day they will be brought back to him, and he will tell them the
truth of what they did: for allah doth know all things."(al-noor
"ah indeed! are they in doubt concerning the meeting with their
lord? ah indeed! it is he that doth encompass all
things!"(fussilat 54)
one should train himself to recognize the signs if allah and
should always keep this in mind. otherwise, mind will start to
wander, jumping from one topic to another, wasting time thinking
about useless things.
mind is like water; unless it is directed which way to flow, it
spreads away, to the places that you would not want it to flow. this
is a kind of unconsciousness; you can not control your mind. you can
not focus and concentrate on a subject. actually, you can not
conceive the truth behind the events happening and also can not ever
have the competence to interfere in them. on the contrary, your mind
gets directed by those events. you are "bewildered" all the time
which is not an attribute of a believer, but the unbelievers.
"... if anyone assigns partners to allah, is as if he had fallen
from heaven and been snatched up by birds, or the wind had swooped
(like a bird on its prey) and thrown him into a far-distant
place."(al-hajj 31)
believers, on the other hand, are the ones who direct their
minds, try to better perceive allah and who try to better serve his
religion. as expressed in the verse; the believers are the ones "who
avoid vain talk;" (al-mumenoon 3). they free their mind from any
useless thoughts and whenever they realize the appeal of satan, they
rescue themselves just like the qur'an describes:
"those who fear allah, when a thought of evil from satan assaults
them, bring allah to remembrance, when lo! they see
(aright)!."(al-araf 201)
therefore, the believers should be careful to keep their minds
free of useless thoughts. thus they should always keep the ropes of
what is happening around them and they should always be on guard.
goodness in all
all things are
created with wisdom and with an inside view. there is a benefit for
the believers in all the things and events that occur. because allah
is on the believers' side and doesn't let them down.
the things that we come across may seem to be unfavorable for the
believers at first. however one should understand that even those
events, for example a plot of the unbelievers, will turn out to be
something good for the believers. allah will let them realize these
benefits sooner or later.
there are many examples of this kind of situation in the qur'an;
the life of yusuf (joseph) is one of the most remarkable ones. in
his childhood, yusuf (joseph) has been thrown down to the bottom of
a well by his brothers, then he has been rescued. however, later, he
has been accused of seduction and has been imprisoned, even though
he was innocent. for a person that do not have the faith, these
incidents may be thought as unfortunate disasters. nevertheless,
yusuf (joseph) always keeps in mind that these can only happen
within allah's command and that all will certainly turn out to be a
goodness. this is what happens, allah turns the whole
"disasters" to good; yusuf (joseph) gets released from the
prison and gradually becomes one of the governors of that land.
the situation with yunus (jonah) is no different. he fled to a
laden ship, then he drew lots and was rejected then he was thrown
into the sea and a big fish swallowed him. qur'an informs that he
was rescued and was sent to a group of people only because he
glorified allah;
"had it not been that he (repented and) glorified allah, he would
certainly have remained inside the fish till the day of
resurrection. but we cast him forth on the naked shore in a state of
sickness, and we caused to grow, over him, a spreading plant of the
gourd kind. and they believed; so we permitted them to enjoy (their
life) for a while."(as-saaffat 143-148)
all these examples given in the qur'an teach us that; an event
which seems to be a "misfortune" does not really happen to be so for
a believer. if one puts his trust in allah, and seeks refuge in him
and asking help only from him; then nothing will be "regretful" for
him. allah creates some difficulties but they are only for test and
to strengthen believers' loyalty and faith.
on the contrary, the opposite is valid for the unbelievers.
nothing at all can be good for those. things that seem to be
delightful or nice to them are indeed "misfortunes" and these
will increase their torment in the hereafter. anything that they
achieve unjustly are put into their record, for which they will be
responsible. allah commands in the qur'an as:
"and let not those who covetously withhold of the gifts which
allah hath given them of his grace, think that it is good for them:
nay, it will be the worse for them: soon shall the things which they
covetously withheld be tied to their necks like a twisted collar, on
the day of judgment. to allah belongs the heritage of the heavens
and the earth; and allah is well-acquainted with all that ye
do."(al-e-imran 180)