HAZRAT ALI (A.S.) By Prof. Naqi Hussain Jafri
, Deptt. of English, JMI, N.D. 110025, (Radio Broadcast, National Channel, N.D. 13th Rajab 1419 Hijri/1998.)
Ali Ibne Abi Talib is one of the most fascinating personalities in the history of Islam He was one of the earliest converts to the faith of
Islam spread by its Prophet (PBUH). Ali was married to the Prophets's youngest daughter, Fatima and also became the IVth Caliph after the death of Prophet. Ali has several distinctions to his credit which put him head and
shoulders above the other companions of Prophet. He was known for his bravery and valor besides being the 'Gate of the house of knowledge'. After his birth he was raised under the direct patronage and protection of the Prophet
of Islam and thus from the early childhood Ali had privilege and distinction of having being trained by his brother, preceptor, guardian and later the father in law, that is Prophet himself.
Ali's great act of courage and love for the Prophet is seen on the night of the Prophet's migration to Medina when he was asked to sleep on the
same bed where the Prophet slept so that the conspirator who had laid a siege round his house may not get any clue about disappearance of the prophet from the house. On the following morning when the vicious conspirators
discovered that the man sleeping on the bed was not the Prophet but his cousin and faithful follower Ali, they were greatly shocked. At a later time when Ali recounted the event he is reported to have said that he did not have
more sound sleep on any other occasion than on the eve of the Prophet's migration. Such was the quality of trust of Ali had in the Prophet.
The feats of valor are fist seen in the Battle of Badr in which he subdued and killed stalwarts of the Quraish fighting against the
Prophet. and preventor of evil doings. He also fell victim to assassin's sword while praying in the Masjid of Kufa. He is burried at Najaf, a small city near Kufa presently in Iraq.
During his Caliphat, he fought against the Kharjites at Naharwan and the forces of Muavia at Siffin. Earlier to these battles he subdued the
dissention and uprising of Talha and Zubair under the leadership of Hazrat Ayesha at the battle, Of Jamal. In all these battles he fought with same valour that he displayed during the Prophets life time and practiced the same
code of shivalry of which he is considered the finest example. Ali is also father of Hasan and Hussain the illustrious grandsons of the Prophet who loved and respected by Muslims all over the world.
One of the rarest of the rare distinction of Ali is his love for and dissemination of knowledge which is indeed difficult to be imbibed by a man
known for physical prowess and heroic feats in the battle field. Significantly, all the major Sufi Orders, i.e. Chistia, Qadria, Sharvardia, Shattaria owe their origin to Ali Ibne Abi Talib whose teachings as recorded by
Khawaja Hassan Basri, laid the foundation of the said orders in the later times.
Iqbal is one of his poems titles, Dar Shar-he-Asrar-Asmae-Ali Murtaza included in Asrar-e-Khudi marvels at the mystery of the name and titles of
Ali. As the listners known Ali is known by the titless of Bu-Turab,Yadullah,Murtaza and the Babul Ilm( gate of the house of knowledge).Murtaza means He is whom God is pleased, Bu Turab signifies the conquest of body and
Yadullah obviously means the dispenser and dessiminator of the Divine will. Iqbal's peom as translated by Nicholson reads as under:
Ali is the Moslem and the king of men,In love's eyes Ali is the Treasurer of faith.Devoution to his family inspires me with life,
So that I am as a shinig part!Like the narcissus, I am entraputed with gazing,Like perfume, I am straying through his pleasure garden.If holy water gushes from my earth, he is the source,
If wine pours from my grapes, he is the causeI am dust, but his sum hath made me as a mirror:Song can be seen in my breast,From Ali's face the Prophet drew many fair omen,
By his majesty the true religion is glorified.
His commandments are the strength of Islam,All things pay allegiance to his House.The Apostle of God gave him the name Abu Turab.