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1.5. Windows Service Packs

Service Packs are infrequent but major updates to Windows XP, and are primarily designed to squash bugs, sew up security holes, and add new features to the operating system.

The first, Service Pack 1, is undoubtedly already installed on your computer, either via Windows Update or because you bought your computer in the last two years. It may be a while before its follow-up, Service Pack 2, released in August 2004, is as ubiquitous. Microsoft admits that the adoption rate has been slow, no doubt because SP2 is hugeand because it introduces some new problems.

Still, it's important to install these Service Packs. Just keep in mind that doing so is a major update to your system. Always back up your important files before installing any service pack, and make sure you're comfortable with troubleshooting your system in case it needs to be troubleshotor just plain shot. The installation process is easy enoughyou can order a free CD from Microsoft or download the Service Pack via either the Web or Windows Update, then sit back and let the installer do its work automatically. For an in-depth look at Service Packs, turn to Appendix H.

Service Pack 1 was primarily a bug-fixing pack. Service Pack 2, however, provides many new features that cover everything from configuring Windows' network tools to browsing the Web more safely using Internet Explorer. These new features are discussed throughout the book.