Programming with Microsoft Visual C++.NET 6ed [Electronic resources]

George Shepherd, David Kruglinski

نسخه متنی -صفحه : 319/ 311
نمايش فراداده



tag handlers, 878–79, 883

targets, debug vs. release, 45–46

Task Manager, 242

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), 810–12

TCP/IP loopback address, 820

template classes

CArray class, 449–50

CList class, 449

CMap class, 449

CTypedPtrList class, 372

global functions and, 449, 450

template files, 52

template libraries. See ATL; OLE DB


collection classes, 372, 449–50

creating a choice among multiple document templates, 424–25

vs. macros, 677

managed C++, 914, 959

role in ATL programming, 677–79

role of dynamic arrays, 678–79

smart pointer use, 679–80

support for multiple document templates, 424–25

TerminateThread function, 272

text editing tools, 284

TextOut function, 42, 340

thread blocking, 271–72

thread synchronization, 269–71


ATL and, 699, 706–8

.NET and, 906

overview, 698–700

in WinInit client program example, 843–44

threads. See multi-threaded programming; single-threaded programming

timers, 259–63

title bar, 278

TLB files, 619, 636

Tlbexp.exe file, 908

Tlbimp.exe file, 908

toolbar resource, 43, 316–17


toolbars. See also rebars

bitmaps for, 310–11

button states, 311

command messages and, 311–12

default toolbar, 309

vs. menus, 311–12

overview, 310

RC file and, 312

vs. rebars, 328

Standard Docking Toolbar, 309

update command user interface handlers, 312, 313, 317

Toolbox, adding controls to dialog boxes, 140–44

ToolTips, 313

ToString function, 894

TRACE macro, 355

Track function, 650

trackbar. See slider control

tracking GDI objects, 94

TrackPopupMenu function, 307

transaction objects, as OLE DB element, 773

TranslateMessage function, 263

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), 810–12

TransmitFile function, 835, 865

tree control, 180, 191–93

TrueType fonts, 96, 97

_try_cast keyword, 913

twips, 75, 447

type libraries

Excel and, 638–39

IDL files and, 617–19

registering, 636

role in VBA, 617

Type Library Exporter (TLBEXP), 908

Type Library Importer (TLBIMP), 908

typedef statement, 372, 449, 450, 894

_typeof keyword, 913


arrays as, 897

boxing and unboxing, 896

built-in information, 900–901

CLR overview, 895–99

delegates as, 897–98

enumerations as, 896–97

reference types, 896

role in .NET, 894–95

value, 895–96