Insertion pointWhen you move the I-beam pointer to a spot within text and single-click, it sets down a flashing insertion point that looks like this: | (but it flashes).71, or if you've set a tab other than left-aligned. If you noticed, when you first opened a new, blank document in TextEdit, there was an insertion point flashing in the upper-left corner, indicating you could start typing immediately. At any time you can use the mouse to move the I-beam pointer somewhere else in the existing text, click to set an insertion point, move the I-beam out of the way, and start typing from the new insertion point. To type below the existing text, set the insertion point directly after the last character in the text, then hit the Return key a number of times until the insertion point is where you want to begin typing. Do you see where I moved the insertion point to? If I start to type again in this story, the new text will begin at that insertion point. The I-beam (do you see it?) is just hanging around waiting to be useful. Do you see the insertion point at the end of the paragraph? If I start to type again in this story, it will begin at that insertion point. Do you see the I-beam? Exercise 3: Learn to be conscious of the I-beam and the insertion point.