The Islamic Revolution [Electronic resources]

نسخه متنی -صفحه : 33/ 17
نمايش فراداده

4 - Revival of Religious, Ethical, Spiritual and Ideological Values

The people during the course of the Islamic Revolution were looking for changes on the basis of Islam. The longstanding endeavor of the global arrogance and its domestic agents to eliminate Islam from political, social and cultural life of the people were thwarted with the victory of the Islamic Revolution. The people put the religious beliefs top on their agenda during the course of the revolution. This Islamic feature prepared the grounds for comprehensiveness of the revolution as a result of which the revolution did not remain confined to the clerical class; on the contrary, the entire nation participated in the revolutionary scenes, for they considered the revolution of themselves and for themselves. Also Islam and Islamic objectives were always given priority over other goals.

"The Islamic Revolution began from the house of religion that is, mosque and seminary and religious orientation become stronger day by day. The role of religion and spiritual values became so strong that attracted such figures towards the revolution who normally would not come to the scene in any other revolution. Even the aged, apolitical people and those living in remote villages came to the scene of struggle and joined the revolutionary mainstream. People's rage in the course of the revolution was not because of a material objective, rather it was due to their demands for religion, spirituality and God. After the victory of the revolution, the government that was established on the basis of the revolution was an Islamic government, that is the Islamic Republic. The government did not waver to the left or right, rather it remained the in the right path of religion and did not give up the religion with the passage of time. In fact, in legislation, in election of the executives, employees and top officials such as the parliament members and others the people participated in the political processes on the basis of Islamic criteria. Religion was the [main] feature of our religion and it remained so. It was not such that religion becomes the feature of the revolution for sometimes and then it changes into something else. This feature is not found in any other revolution; and, due to this very feature which was an important factor, wherever a heart throbs for Islam, it is interested in the Islamic Republic which moves for Islam and thinks of the sublimation of the word of Islam."[41]