Quantum effects in molecular devices, 196-197
effects on reliability, 199-200
logical gates implemented with, 75-76
Particle guns, 81
PCR. See Polymerase chain reaction
Percolation thresholds, using reaction-diffusion to investigate, 141
Phase waves, velocity of, 125
Photonic molecular devices, 49-51
Plane subdivision, using chemical processor for, 67-68
Pocket, in molecular recognition, 35
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 160, 161, 162
sources of error in, 178
used in construction of site-specific mutations, 212-213
Polymer matricesuse of in encapsulating enzymes in biosensors, 228-229
use of in reaction-diffusion systems, 142-144
Positive image enhancement, 119
Positive (molecular) recognition, 35
Prairie fire transformation, 111. See also Grass-fire transformation
Problem size, xiv, 94-95
Programmed chain reaction, 168-171
Programmed mutagenesis. See DNA computing, algorithms