UNIX Network Programming Volume 1, Third Edition [Electronic resources] : The Sockets Networking API نسخه متنی

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UNIX Network Programming Volume 1, Third Edition [Electronic resources] : The Sockets Networking API - نسخه متنی

Addison Wesley

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Chapter 14


If no handler had been set, the return from the first call to signal would be SIG_DFL and the call to signal to reset the handler would just set it back to its default.


Here is just the for loop:

for ( ; ; ) {
if ( (n = Recv(sockfd, recvline, MAXLINE, MSG_PEEK)) == 0)
break; /* server closed connection */
Ioctl(sockfd, FIONREAD, &npend);
printf("%d bytes from PEEK, %d bytes pending\n", n, npend);
n = Read(sockfd, recvline, MAXLINE);
recvline[n] = 0; /* null terminate */
Fputs(recvline, stdout);


The data is still output because falling off the end of the main function is the same as returning from this function, and the main function is called by the C startup routine as follows:

exit(main(argc, argv));

Hence, exit is called, plus the standard I/O cleanup routine is called.

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