DesktopDevicesDialingDig-DisDisplayDo-DrDVDEf-EmEncrypted NTFS FilesEn-ExFavoritesFaxFilesFirewallFoldersFontsFTPGo-HaHard DiskHardwareHe-HTIconsImagesIndexingIns-IntInternet Connection FirewallInternet ExplorerIn-JoKeyboardLanguageLi-MeMenusMessage BoxModemsMouseMy ComputerMy DocumentsMy MusicMy Network PlacesMy PicturesNetMeetingNetworkNetwork ConnectionsNe-ODOffline FilesOu-PaPasswordsPa-PrPrintersPr-RuScheduled TasksSc-SiSoftwareSoundsSpeechStart MenuStartupSt-SySystem RestoreTaskTaskbarTaskbar Notification AreaTele-TelnTemporary Internet FilesTerminal ServerText CursorThe-ThuTimeTi-ToTooltipsTr-UsUsersVid-VirVoiceVo-WeWindowsWindows ExplorerWindows FirewallWindows Security CenterWi...Chapter 6. The Command PromptSection 6.1. Using the Command LineSection 6.2. Command Prompt ChoicesSection 6.3. Wildcards, Pipes, and RedirectionSection 6.4. Alphabetical Reference to DOS CommandsSection 6.5. MS-DOS Batch FilesPart III: Advanced TopicsChapter 7. NetworkingSection 7.1. Networking TerminologySection 7.2. General ProceduresChapter 8. The RegistrySection 8.1. What's in the RegistrySection 8.2. Adding and Deleting Registry Keys and ValuesSection 8.3. Organization of the RegistrySection 8.4. HivesSection 8.5. Backing Up the RegistrySection 8.6. Exporting and Importing Registry Data with PatchesSection 8.7. Ten Cool Things You Can Do in Your RegistryChapter 9. The Windows Script HostSection 9.1. What Is WSH?Section 9.2. Additional ResourcesSection 9.3. Executing ScriptsSection 9.4. Creating a ScriptSection 9.5. VBScriptSection 9.6. Object ModelSection 9.7. Wscript ObjectSection 9.8. Shell ObjectSection 9.9. Registry RoutinesSection 9.10. ShortcutsSection 9.11. PopupSection 9.12. Network ObjectSection 9.13. Network Printer-Related FunctionsSection 9.14. FileSystem ObjectSection 9.15. TextStream ObjectSection 9.16. Object BrowserSection 9.17. Database ExampleSection 9.18. MessagingPart IV: AppendixesAppendix A. Installing Windows XPSection A.1. Installation on a New (Clean) SystemAppendix B. Migrating to Windows XPSection B.1. Before Upgrading to Windows XPAppendix C. Keyboard ShortcutsSection C.1. Keyboard Accelerators Listed by KeySection C.2. Keyboard Accelerators Listed by FunctionAppendix D. Power Toys and TweakUISection D.1. Inside TweakUIAppendix E. Keyboard Equivalents for Symbols and International CharactersAppendix F. Common Filename ExtensionsAppendix G. ServicesAppendix H. Service PacksSection H.1. Before You InstallSection H.2. Getting Service PacksSection H.3. Installing a Service PackSection H.4. Key Features in Service Pack 1Section H.5. Key Features in Service Pack 2Colophon