[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] name resolution [See hostnames, resolution to IP addresses]naming convention (8.3), disabling in NTFS NAT [See Network Address Translation]National Television Standards Committee (NTSC) negative and positive entries (resolve cache) Nelson's Email Organizer (for Outlook) Nero Burning ROM program NetBEU protocolIinstalling on XPdifficulties of NetBEUI protocol end of Microsoft support for installing on XPdisabling TCP/IP file and printer sharing Windows 2000 version NetBIOS, IPX/SPX with NetIQ's free QCheck program [See QCheck program]Netscape 7 browser, Google Toolbar for Netscape Navigatorcookie-based ad networks, opting out of cookies, handling of netsh tool netsh diag commands, listing of using directly from command line for from netsh console NetShell utility, resetting TCP/IP to original configuration netstat commandopen network connections, getting information on network adapter's MAC address cloning for residential gateway Network Address Translation (NAT) automatic mapping of hostname to dynamic IP address, problems with VPN connections and network and multiuser policies and rights Network Connections folder, closing down ports manually Network Setup Wizard, correcting TCP/IP configuration Network Stumbler program detecting nearby wireless networksnetworks not part of FreeNets wireless network cards it works with networking closing down ports and blocking protocols connections, management by HKEY_CURRENT_USER (Registry hive) controlling another PC with remote access configuring XP remote server firewalls, remote access connections and setting up remote client direct cable connections, using cables and connectors Ethernet cable serial or parallel cable DNS settings, customizing for faster Internet access cache settings fixing DNS problems HOSTS file extending range of wireless network antennas (access point or PCs), avoiding placement near large metal objects avoid putting access point next to outside wall avoid putting access point or PCs near microwavs or cordless phones centrally locate access point external and booster antennas, use of vertical orientation of access point antennas wireless PC antennas, pointing toward access point firewallsInternet Connection Firewall (ICF) unsolicited inbound traffic, allowing through ZoneAlarm making server always available by mapping hostname to dynamic IP address peer-to-peer, improving with NetBEUI proxy servers, protecting your PC with configuring IE to use proxies finding free, public proxies limiting connections to certain web sites renewing DHCP-assigned IP address repairing broken TCP/IP connection residential gateways, optimizing cloning MAC address hub/router settings for DSL access VPN, settings for using security, testing with Shields Up speeding up network browsing troubleshooting network connections ipconfig utility, analyzing TCP/IP problems netsh tool netstat, getting information on open connections pathping command, using ping, diagnosing TCP/IP problems tracing network and internat data path with tracert VPN, setting up Windows Media Player, privacy problems with wireless networkschecking WiFi performance with QCheck war driving for WiFi access New Connection Wizard New document menu, cleaning up New ESP Share Group Wizard (Eudora) No-IP.com NoHTML plugin (for Outlook) noise filter for Indexing Service searches, editing non-plug-and-play devices, forcing display by Device Manager nonpresent or ghosted devices forcing display with Device Manager NOT operators (unary and binary) Notepad, creting batch file Notification Areahiding all icons in network icon wireless network connections, information about NTBackup inability to back up directly to CDs installed on XP Home, ASR and restoring a backup NTFS (NT File System)naming convention (8.3), disabling NTFS (NT File System) compression converting previous filesystems to disk space saved by folder compression, effects on files improving NTFS performance ZIP files vs. NTI Deluxe Backup Plus! Now ntoskrnl.exe file NTSC (National Television Standards Committee) null Ethernet cables 2nd cheap networking with TCP/IP settings for null serial cables 2nd Num Lock, automatically turning on at startup numbersin Indexing Service queries representing DWORD data type in Registry values