of marriage be such a reality, it can be established between two individuals of one sex, and family also would have never been in need of such laws and regulations. 79
Seemingly this viewpoint, which is laid forth by AlGhazaali and his predecessors, is vulnerable to criticism due to the following reasons:
1. There is strong stress in the Quran on matter of tranquillity and relief, and in two verses it stated that the objective of creating woman and man being to find rest and calmness.
2. If the issue of marriage and matrimony be founded on procreation alone with no other purposes in view, there will be no difference between an animal and man. Because the animals produce the same kind and their offspring can survive though they neither commit themselves to a family and its system nor requiring specific regulations.
3. He "AlGhazaali" himself considers, in another place, procreation of kind and permanence of offspring "Nasl" to be philosophy of marriage not its cause "'illah". Therefore he counts getting married to barren and menopausal woman as something permitted. 80
Nevertheless, no one can accept the onesided viewpoint in respect of marriage, whether multiplication of generation or other purposes be taken into consideration as aim of marriage. Rather we believe that marriage contract in the Islamic Shari'ah seeks to achieve several aims, all of which being intended by the Islamic Lawmaker.
Herewith I introduce exposition of these purposes:
Permanence of Human Offspring
The holy Quran, in a verse, refers to marriage with terms like cultivation and harvest:
79. ibid., vol. II, p. 277.
80. ibid., p. 278.