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The Gurus Guide to SQL Server Stored Procedures, XML, and HTML [Electronic resources] - نسخه متنی

Ken Henderson

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Undocumented Trace Flags

SQL Server trace flags are integer values that you pass to the server to enable special functionality, to provide better diagnostic or system internal info, or to work around problems. You enable trace flags primarily by calling DBCC TRACEON(), but they can also be turned on via the T server command-line option. Some options only make sense on a serverwide basis, so they're best specified on the server command line. Some only make sense within a particular connection, so they're enabled with DBCC DBCC TRACEON(flagnum), where flagnum is the flag to be set. DBCC TRACEOFF() is the counterpart to TRACEON(). It turns off specific trace flags for a connection. Separate multiple flags with commas to set/unset them at once.

DBCC TRACESTATUS(flagnum) shows whether a flag is enabled. Pass 1 to return a list of all currently enabled flags. Here's a simple DBCC TRACEON() / TRACESTATUS() example:

EXEC master..xp_logevent 99999,'CHECKPOINT before
setting flag 3502',informational
DBCC TRACEON(3604,3502)
EXEC master..xp_logevent 99999,'CHECKPOINT after
setting flag 3502',informational
DBCC TRACEOFF(3604,3502)


TraceFlag Status
--------- ------
3502 1
3604 1

Here's what the error log looks like as a result of these commands (trace flag 3502 enables extra CHECKPOINT log information).

2000-07-01 01:10:33.89 spid57 Error: 99999, Severity: 10, State: 1
2000-07-01 01:10:33.89 spid57 CHECKPOINT before setting flag 3502.
2000-07-01 01:10:33.97 spid57 DBCC TRACEON 3604,
server process ID (SPID) 57.
2000-07-01 01:10:34.00 spid57 DBCC TRACEON 3502,
server process ID (SPID) 57.
2000-07-01 01:10:34.00 spid57 Error: 99999, Severity: 10, State: 1
2000-07-01 01:10:34.00 spid57 CHECKPOINT after setting flag 3502.
2000-07-01 01:10:34.00 spid57 Ckpt dbid 4 started (100000)
2000-07-01 01:10:34.00 spid57 Ckpt dbid 4 phase 1 ended (100000)
2000-07-01 01:10:34.00 spid57 Ckpt dbid 4 complete
2000-07-01 01:10:34.00 spid57 DBCC TRACEOFF 3604,
server process ID (SPID) 57.
2000-07-01 01:10:34.00 spid57 DBCC TRACEOFF 3502,
server process ID (SPID) 57.

Table 22-3 lists some of the many undocumented SQL Server trace flags. (See the Books Online for a list of documented flags.) This list is not comprehensive; there are many undocumented flags not included here.

Table 22-3. A few of SQL Server's undocumented trace flags

Causes new objects being created to be system objects (see the undocumented procedure sp_MS_upd_sysobj_category).
Displays verbose locking info.
Complements flag 1204 (deadlock info) by displaying a stack trace when a deadlock occurs.
Complements flag 1204 by displaying the other locks held by deadlock parties.
Disables lock escalation.
Used in conjunction with DBCC CHECKTABLE to return the total count of ghost records in a table.
Logs extra information to the system error log each time a checkpoint occurs.
Disables automatic "checkpointing."
Skips automatic recovery of all databases.
Skips automatic recovery of all databases except master.
Skips the creation of tempdb at system start-up.
Enables tracing of DTC events.
Disables index hints.
Disables query parallelism.
Disables all other types of hints.
Disables locking hints.

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