Building.Open.Source.Network.Security.Tools.Components.And.Techniques [Electronic resources] نسخه متنی

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Building.Open.Source.Network.Security.Tools.Components.And.Techniques [Electronic resources] - نسخه متنی

Mike D. Schiffman

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Software Development Lifecycle

The modular model enables the application programmer to rapidly conceptualize new network security tools for development. Conventional software development occurs through the software development lifecycle. This lifecycle is a progression of high-level tasks that help develop and maintain software. The modular model plugs into the software development lifecycle in the early phases of requirements, analysis, and design (see Figure 1.5). When using the modular model inside the software development lifecycle, the process becomes top-down.

Figure 1.5: The modular model of network security tool design and the software development lifecycle.


In the requirements phase, the application programmer identifies user requirements, expectations, and constraints. This task usually consists of considering the needs of potential users and meticulously documenting the work-flow and identifying requirements that fall out from this process. With the modular model, this point is where the application programmer determines what problem the tool needs to solve and how he or she should specify the tool. Here, we determine other high-level requirements such as end-user information delivery, reporting, and interface requirements, and they map cleanly to the control layer of the modular model. When this task is complete, the application programmer will have a clear understanding of the scope of the tool being developed.


In the next phase, analysis, the application programmer models the tool's potential environment to increase and confirm the understanding of any issues. Requirements are analyzed, prioritized, and possibly reconsidered. The analysis phase might change some of the requirements, which will cause the process to revert back a step and reconsider the modular model.


We further realize the top-down nature of the modular model in the design phase as the application programmer specifies the techniques necessary to meet previously analyzed requirements. The programmer then determines the components from the dependencies at the technique layer. At this point, there is a working specification of the tool that is subject to peer review to ensure that it is commensurate with the modular model. If the peer review finds that there are problems with the design that are perhaps out of scope or based on a broken model, the process reverts back to the requirements phase (using the modular model).

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