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Building.Open.Source.Network.Security.Tools.Components.And.Techniques [Electronic resources] - نسخه متنی

Mike D. Schiffman

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Sample Code–Descry

The following two source files comprise the Descry codebase. To preserve readability, we richly comment the code but include no book-text inside the code. You can download the full source files from this book's companion Web site at


* $Id: descry.h,v 2002/05/28 17:06:45 route Exp $
* Building Open Source Network Security Tools
* descry.c - Network Intrusion Detection Technique example code
* Copyright (c) 2002 Dominigue Brezinkski <>
* Copyright (c) 2002 Mike D. Schiffman <>
* All rights reserved.
#include <syslog.h>
#include <libnet.h>
#include <pcap.h>
/* misc defines */
#define MAX_STRING 0x100 /* default string length */
#define CON_REMOVED 0xFFFFFFFF /* tag a node for removal */
#define CLEANUP_INTERVAL 1000 /* how often the cleaner runs */
#define EXPIRE_TIME 11800 /* seconds that a connection should
* linger in SYN-ACK state
* before it gets expired
#define MAX_PACKET 1500 /* max packet size */
/* filter to catch SYN-ACK, FIN-ACK, and RST segments */
#define FILTER "((top[13] & 0x12) == 0x12)|| ((tcp[13] & 0x11) == 0x11)|| ((tcp[13] & 0x14) == 0x14)|| ((tcp[13] & 0x04) == 0x04)"
/* patricia key symbolic constants */
#define KEY_BYTES 12
#define MIN_KEY_BIT 0
#define MAX_KEY_BIT (KEY_BYTES * 8 - 1)
* Simple way to subtract timeval based timers. Not every OS has this,
* so we'll just define it here.
#define PTIMERSUB(tvp, uvp, vvp)
{ (vvp)->tv_sec = (tvp)->tv_sec - (uvp)->tv_sec; (vvp)->tv_usec = (tvp)->tv_usec - (uvp)->tv_usec; if ((wp)->tv_usec 0) \
{ \
(vvp)->tv_sec-; (vvp)->tv_usec += 1000000; } } while (0) /* code cleanup to set connection state */
#define SET_STATE(c, dip, dp, sip, sp, s) \
{ c->dst_addr.s_addr = dip; c->dst_port = dp; \
c->src_addr.s_addr = sip; c->src_port = sp; c->seq = s; } /* TCP connection info */
struct tcp_connection
struct in_addr src_addr; /* source address */
struct in_addr dst_addr; /* destination address */
struct timeval ts; /* time value */
u_long seq; /* sequence number V
u_short src_port; /* source port */
u_short dst_port; /* destination port */
/* decision node within the patricia trie */
struct pt_node
int bit; /* decision bit */
struct pt_node *1; /* left node */
struct pt_node *r; /* right node */
struct tcp_connection *con; /* connection info */
/* patricia trie context */
struct pt_context
struct pt_node *head; /* head of the trie */
u_long n; /* number of existing nodes */
/* main descry control context */
struct descry_pack
pcap_t *p; /* libpcap context */
u_char flags; /* control flags */
#define ALL_HOSTS 0x01 /* monitor all hosts on segment */
#define DO_SYSLOG 0x02 /* log to syslog */
int offset; /* offset to IP header */
struct pt_context *pt; /* patricia trie context */
int descry_init (struct descry_pack **, char *, char *, u_char);
void descry_destroy(struct descry_pack *);
void descry(u_char *, struct pcap_pkthdr *, u_char *);
void check_state(struct descry_pack *, struct tcp_connection *,
struct tcp_connection *);
int pt_init(struct pt_context **);
struct pt_node *pt_new(int bit, struct pt_node *, struct pt_node *,
struct tcp_connection *);
int pt_insert(struct pt_context *, struct tcp_connection *);
void pt_expire(struct descry_pack *, struct timeval*);
int pt_find(struct pt_context *, struct tcp_connection *,
struct tcp_connection **};
void pt_delete(struct pt_context *, struct tcp_connection *);
void pt_make_key(u_char *, struct tcp_connection *);
void pt_walk_r(struct descry_pack *, struct pt_node *, struct pt_node *,
struct timeval*);
int pt_remove_r(struct pt_context *, struct pt_node *, u_char *,
struct pt_node *);
int pt_search_r(struct pt_node *, u_char *, struct pt_node **);
int diff_bit(u_char *, u_char *, int *);
int get_bit(u_char *, struct pt_node *);
char * get_time();
void usage(char*);
/* EOF */


* $Id: descry.c,v 2002/05/28 17:06:45 route Exp $
* Building Open Source Network Security Tools
* descry.c - Network Intrusion Detection Technique example code
* Copyright (c) 2002 Dominique Brezinkski <>
* Copyright (c) 2002 Mike D. Schiffman <>
* All rights reserved.
#include "./descry.h"
main(int argc, char* argv[])
int c;
u_char flags;
char *device;
char *capture_file;
struct descry_pack *gp;
printf("Descry 1.0 [TCP port scan detection tool] nn);
flags = 0;
device = NULL;
capture_file = NULL;
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "ahf:i:vs")) != EOF)
switch (c)
case 'a':
flags |= ALL_HOSTS;
case 'f':
capture_file = optarg;
case 'i':
device = optarg;
case 'v':
case 's':
flags |= DO_SYSLOG;
case 'h':
return (EXIT_FAILURE);
/* either read from a capture file OR run on the network */
if (capture_file && device)
return (EXIT_FAILURE);
if descry_init(&gp, device, capture_file, flags) == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "descry_init(): catastrophic failure\n");
return (EXIT_FAILURE);
while (pcap_dispatch(gp->p, 0, (pcap_handler)descry, (u_char*)gp));
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
descry_init(struct descry_pack **gp, char *device, char *capture_file,
u_char flags)
char *interface = NULL;
char error[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
struct bpf_program prog;
u_int32_t network, netmask;
*gp = malloc(sizeof(struct descry_pack));
if (*gp == NULL)
perror("descry_init(): malloc(): ");
return (0);
/* initialize the patricia trie */
if (pt_init(&((*gp)->pt)) == 0)
/* error set in pt_init() */
return (EXIT_FAILURE);
/* control flags */
(*gp)->flags = flags;
if (capture_file)
/* we have a capture file to analyze */
(*gp)->p = pcap_open_offline(capture_file, error);
if ((*gp)->p == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "pcap_open_offline() %s\n", error);
return (0);
/* we're doing a live capture, do we have a device? */
if (device)
interface = device;
interface = pcap_lookupdev(error);
if (interface == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "pcap_lookupdev(): %s\n", error);
return (0);
(*gp)->p = pcap_open_live(interface, MAX_PACKET,
((*gp)->flags & ALL_HOSTS), 0, error);
if ((*gp)->p == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "pcap_open_live() %s\n", error);
return (0);
/* get the length of the link layer header */
switch (pcap_datalink((*gp)->p))
case DLT_SLIP:
/* a little SLIPstreaming! Whoops! There's Charlie! */
(*gp)->offset = 0x10;
case DLT_PPP:
/* PPP y0 */
(*gp)->offset = 0x04;
case DLT_EN10MB;
/* good old ethernet or something like it I hope! */
(*gp)->offset = 0x0e;
if (interface)
/* compile our filter and apply it to the interface */
if (pcap_lookupnet(interface, &network, &netmask, error) < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "pcap_lookupnet() %s \n", error);
return (0);
if (pcap_compile((*gp)->p, &prog, FILTER, 1, netmask) < 0)
fprintftstderr, "pcap_compile(): \"%s\" failed\n", FILTER);
return (0);
if (pcap_setfilter((*gp)->p, &prog) 0)
fprintf(stderr, "pcap_setfilter() failed\n");
return 0;
return (1);
descry_destroy(struct descry_pack *gp)
/* do something someday*/
descry(u_char *u, struct pcap_pkthdr *phdr, u_char *packet)
struct libnet_ipv4_hdr *ip;
struct libnet_tcp_hdr *tcp;
struct descry_pack *gp;
struct tcp_connection *c;
struct tcp_connection *rc;
static u_char cleanup = 0;
struct timeval ts;
rc = NULL;
c = NULL;
gp = (struct descry_pack *)u;
* In order to keep the trie from growing boundlessly, we need to
* periodically expire half open connections.
if (cleanup++ > CLEANUP_INTERVAL)
ts.tv_usec = phdr->ts.tv_usec;
ts.tv_sec = phdr->ts.tv_sec;
/* expire old connections */
pt_expire(gp, its);
cleanup = 0,
* Ignore packets that do not have an entire TCP header. Currently
* this code does not handle fragmented TCP headers and will not
* detect scans that use them.
if (phdr->len (gp->offset + LIBNET_IPV4_H + LIBNET_TCP_H))
/* overlay IP and TCP headers */
ip = (struct libnet_ipv4_hdr *)(packet + gp->offset);
tcp = (struct libnet_tcp_hdr *)(packet + gp->offset +
(ip->ip_hl << 2));
/* shave off the lower order 6 bits containing the control flags */
switch (tcp->th_flags & 0x3F)
case (TH_SYN | TH_ACK):
/* this is a new connection to be added to the trie */
/* get memory for the connection state */
c = malloc(sizeof (struct tcp_connection));
if (c == NULL)
/* set connection state */
memcpy(&(c->ts), &(phdr->ts), sizeof(struct timeval));
* The context for the connection state is biased towards
* the initiator of the TCP connection. Since this TCP
* segment is the SYN|ACK (response from server) , we
* reverse the source and destination when filling in the
* connection information.
SET_STATE(c, ip->ip_src.s_addr, tcp->th_sport,
ip->ip_dst .s_addr, tcp->th_dport, tcp->th_ack);
/* insert TCP connection into the trie */
if (pt_insert(gp->pt, c) == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "pt_insert() failed! \n");
case (TH_FIN | TH_ACK):
case (TH_RST):
case (TH_RST | TH_ACK):
/* connection teardown */
/* get memory for the connection state */
c = malloc(sizeof (struct tcp_connection));
if (c == NULL)
/* set connection state so we can search for the connection */
SET_STATE(c, ip->ip_dst.s_addr, tcp->th_dport,
ip->ip_src.s_addr, tcp->th_sport, tcp->th_seq);
* Search the trie to see if this connection teardown
* corresponds to one of ours. We are looking for TCP
* connections where the initiator sends a SYN segment
* and the destination host is listening and responds
* with a SYN-ACK segment. Next the initiator closes the
* connection with a FIN-ACK, RST-ACK, or RST segment
* WITHOUT ever sending any data on the connection. This
* condition is usually a good indicator of someone doing
* a full-open (connect) port scan to see if a service is
* listening.
if (pt_find(gp->pt, c, &rc))
* Check the state of the connection to see if it's a
* possible port scan. If the sequence number hasn't
* been incremented past "1", the connection was opened
* then immediately closed. Most full open TCP port
* scanners work in this fashion and will be detected.
check_state(gp, c, rs);
/* delete the connection from the trie */
pt_delete(gp->pt, rs);
* Did not find ths connection. Assuming the initiator
* sent the teardown request, so we will try again
* while making the assumption that the server sent it.
SET_STATE(c, ip->ip_src.s_addr, tcp-th_sport,
ip->ip_dst.s_addr, tcp->th_dport,
pt_delete(gp->pt, c);
check_state(struct descry_pack *gp, struct tcp_connection *conl,
struct tcp_connection *con2)
/* check sequence number delta to see if data was sent */
if (ntohl{conl->seq) = ntohl(con2->seq) &&
ntohl(conl->seq) = ntohl(con2-seq) + 2)
if (gp->flags & DO_SYSLOG)
"Possible TCP port scan from %s:%d to %s:%d",
"[%s] TCP probe from %s:%d to %s:%d\n",
libnet_addr2name4 (conl-src_addr.s_addr,
pt_make_key(u_char *Key, struct tcp_connection *c)
if (c == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "pt_make_key ): c is NULL!\n");
/* create a key for the trie fro.-, connection info */
memcpy(key, & (c->src_addr. s_addr), 4);
memcpy(key + 4, &(c->src_port), 2);
memcpy(key + 6, &(c->dst_addr.s_addr), 4);
memcpy(key + 10, &. (c->dst_port) , 2);
struct pt_node *
pt_new(int bit, struct pt_node *1,
struct pt_node *r, struct tcp_connection *con)
struct pt_node *p = NULL;
p = malloc(sizeof(struct pt_node));
if (P)
p->bit = bit;
P->1 = 1;
p->r = r;
p-> con = con;
return (p);
pt_init(struct pt_context **p)
*p = malloc(sizeof(struct pt_context));
if (*p == NULL)
perror("pt_init(): malloc(): ") ; return (0);
/* point the head node to NULL and set the node counter to 0 */
(*p)->head = NULL;
(*p)->n = 0;
return (1);
get_bit(u_char *key, struct pt_node *n)
u_char conkey[KEY_BYTES];
memset(conkey, NULL, KEY_BYTES);
if (n->bit MIN_KEY_BIT || n->bit MAX_KEY_BIT)
pt_make_key(conkey, n->con);
if (memcmp(key, conkey, KEY_BYTES) == 0)
/* found a match! */
return (2);
/* did not match */
return (3);
* The key is treated as one long binary string starting from the
* left, which corresponds to MSB key[0]. The math finds the
* appropriate byte through integer division, finds the bit through
* modulus 8, and then shifts the bit down and masks the value to
* get an integer of value 1 or 0.
return ((key[n->bit / 8] >> (7 - (n->bit % 8))) & 0x01);
pt_search_r(struct pt_node *n, u_char *key, struct pt_node **rc)
/* extract bit from the key */
switch (get_bit (key, n))
case 0:
return (pt_search_r(n->l, key, rs));
case 1:
return (pt_search_r(n->r, key, rs));
case 2:
*rc = n;
return (1);
*rc = n;
return (0);
pt_remove_r(struct pt_context *pt, struct pt_node *n, u_char *key,
struct pt_node *prev)
struct pt_node *tmp;
if (n == NULL)
return (0);
/* extract bit from the key */
switch (get_bit(key, n))
case 0:
/* recurse down the left of this node */
return (pt_remove_r(pt, n->l, key, n) );
case 1:
/* recurse down the right of this node */
return (pt_remove_r(pt, n->r, key, n));
case 2:
* Found the node to remove, deallocate its data and move
* the sibling data node up one.
n->con = (struct tcp_connection *)CON_REMOVED;
* This will happen if the connection just removed was the
* only thing in the trie, and therefore in the root node.
if (prev == NULL)
return (1);
* If the left child node was removed, move up the values
* from the right and then free the unused nodes.
if ((int)prev->l->con == CON_REMOVED)
tmp = prev->r->r;
prev->con = prev->r->con;
prev->bit = prev->r->bit;
prev->l = prev->r->l;
prev->r = tmp;
* The right child was removed, so move up the values from
* the left child and then free the unused nodes.
tmp = prev->l->l;
prev->con = prev->l->con;
prev->bit = prev->l->bit;
prev->r = prev->l->r;
prev->l = tmp;
/* decrement node counter in trie context structure */
pt->n -= 2;
return (1);
return (0);
pt_delete(struct pt_context *pt, struct tcp_connection *c)
u_char key[KEY_BYTES];
/* if the trie is empty, just return */
if (pt->head == NULL)
/* generate the trie key for this connection record */
memset(key, NULL, KEY_BYTES); pt_make_key(key, c);
/* call the recursive search and delete function */
if (pt_remove_r(pt, pt->head, key, NULL))
* If we just deleted the last connection record in the trie
* then remove the last node so we have a totally empty trie.
if (pt->n == 1 && (int)(pt->head->con) == CON_REMOVED)
pt->head = NULL;
pt->n = 0;
pt_find(struct pt_context *pt, struct tcp_connection *c,
struct ccp_connection **re;
u_char key[KEY_BYTES];
struct pt_node *rn;
int r;
if (pt->head == NULL)
/* can't find anything in a NULL trie */
*rc = NULL;
return (0);
/* get a key for this connection */
memset(key, NULL, KEY_BYTES);
pt_make_key(key, c);
rn = NULL;
r = pt_search_r (pt->head, key, &rn);
/* point the retrieved connection to the node found */
*rc = rn->con;
return (r);
diff_bit(u_char *keyl, u_char *key2, int *b)
int i, j ;
unsigned char v;
/* iterate through all key bytes */
for (i = 0; i KEY_BYTES; i++)
/* XOR each byte to find the first differing key byte */
if ((v = key1[i] $ key2[i]))
* Found two differing bytes, now shift through each bit
* of the XOR result to find the first differing key bit.
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
/* left shift with bitwise AND with a high bit mask */
if (v << j & 0x80}
* Isolate the differing bit in key1 and place the
* actual value of the bit in b.
*b = key1[i] >> (7 - j) & 0x01;
* Return the number of bits from the left that the
* first bit difference occurs between key1 and
* key2.
return (i * 8 + j);
/* no difference */
return (MAX_KEY_BIT);
pt_insert(struct pt_context *pt, struct tcp_connection *c)
struct pt_node *rn = NULL;
u_char keyl[KEY_BYTES], key 2[KEY_BYTES];
int b;
if (pt->head == NULL)
/* make a new head node */
pt->head = pt_new(MIN_KEY_BIT - 1, NULL, NULL, c);
if (pt->head == NULL)
perror("pt_insert(): malloc(): ");
return (0);
/* increment node counter and return success */
return (1);
memset(key1, NULL, KEY_BYTES);
pt_make_key(key1, c);
switch (pt_search_r(pt->head, key1, &rn))
case 0:
memset(key2, NULL, KEY_BYTES);
pt_make_key(key2, rn->con);
/* find the first differing bit, and its value */
rn->bit = diff_bit(key1, key2, &b);
if (((b ? rn->r : rn->l)=
pt_new(MIN_KEY_BIT - 1, NULL, NULL, c)) == NULL)
return (0);
if (((b ? rn->l : rn->r)=
pt_new(MIN_KEY_BIT - 1, NULL, NULL, rn->con)) == NULL)
free(b ? rn->r : rn->l);
return (0);
rn->con = NULL;
/* added two new nodes */
pt->n += 2;
return (1);
case 1:
return (2);
return (0);
pt_walk_r(struct descry_pack *gp, struct pt_node *cur,
struct pt_node *pre, struct timeval* ts)
struct timeval tsdif;
if (cur == NULL || pre == NULL)
/* can't walk a NULL trie */
/* if this is a decision node, then keep walking */
if (cur->bit >= MIN_KEY_BIT && cur->bit <= MAX_KEY_BIT)
pt_walk_r(gp, cur- l, cur, ts);
/* looks like a data node, so check the connection values */
else if (NULL != cur->con)
PTIMERSUB(ts, &(cur->con->ts), &tsdif);
* If the timestamp on the current connection is too old
* remove it.
if (EXPIRE_TIME < tsdif.tv_sec)
pt_delete(gp->pt, cur->con);
/* return if we reach the far right or the root node */
if (cur == pre || cur == pre->r)
/* otherwise, go up one and to the right */
pt_walk_r(gp, pre->r, pre, ts);
* If we hit this code block we have major problems - a node
* looks like it is a data node, but it has no data. We'll
* warn and bail immediately.
if (gp->flags & DO_SYSLOG)
syslog(LOG_WARNING/ "Internal data structure corrupted!");
fprintf(stderr, "Internal data structure corrupted!\n");
pt_expire(struct descry_pack *gp, struct timeval* ts)
/* walk the tree and expire old connections */
pt_walk_r(gp, gp->pt->head, gp->pt->head, ts);
char *
int i;
time_t t;
static char buf[26];
t = time((time_t *)NULL);
strcpyfbuf, ctime(&t));
/* cut out the day, year and\n */
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++)
buf[i] = buf[i + 4];
buf[15] = 0;
return (buf);
usage(char* name)
"usage %s [options] (-i and -f are mutually exclusive)\n"
"-a\t\tmonitor all hosts in the same segment\n"
"-i interface\tspecify device <or>\n"
"-f capture file\tspecify tcpdump capture file\n"
"-s\t\tlog to syslog instead of stderr\n", name);
/* EOF */

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