Find/Change Dialog
Reset Character Color to "Any" in Find Format/Change Format
After spending ten minutes setting up Find Format and Change Format to do a complex operation, I realize that I shouldn't have specified a character color in either one. But in the Character Color section of the palette, there doesn't appear to be a way to empty the fill or stroke color so that InDesign will ignore it. Any way, that is, other than clicking the Clear Format button in the main Find/Change dialog box, wiping out all my settings!In either Find Format or Change Format's Character Color area, Command/Ctrl-click on the swatch name (not the fill or stroke icon) of the color you mistakenly specified. The color icon will go back to its "Riddler" look (full of question marks, indicating "any color").This trick also works when editing a character style: Command/Ctrl-click on the color swatch to remove it from the character style's definition (Figure 3-18).
Figure 3-18. To clear out any Character Color you've specified in Find Format/Change Format, (top) hold down the Command/Ctrl key when clicking the Swatch's name. The question marks that now appear in the Fill icon (bottom) mean "any color."
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Find/Change Straight Quotes to Curly Ones
Remember me? I'm the one who got yelled at by my Art Director for using typographic quotes (the "curly" ones) instead of straight quotes for the item specs in a parts catalog. I need to know how to change them, hopefully in a way that's just a teensy bit faster than doing them one-by-one.To fix your catalog you'll have to run two separate Find/Changes, once for the inch mark and again for the foot mark. (Note that if there are some curly quotes in the regular text you'd like to retain, sharing the same formatting as the "bad" quotes, you can't do a document-wide Find/Change. You'll have to do it one selection at a time.)
1. Turn off Use Typographer's Quotes in Preferences.2. Choose Edit > Find/Change (Figure 3-19).
Figure 3-19. You can use Find/Change to turn curly quotes into straight quotes.
TIPWe know you're sitting there thinking, "Okay, so I have a document full of straight quotes that I need to make curly. What do I do now?" The answer is simple, but not necessarily obvious: Save the story as InDesign Tagged Text (using File > Export). Now, when you re-Place the story, turn on Show Import Options and make sure the Use Typographers Quotes option is enabled. All your quotes (single and double) will be converted.