Chapter 6. Drawing in InDesign: Designers are from Mars; Paths, Strokes and Scaling are from the Orion Nebula
Over half of the tools in InDesign's Tools palette are there to help you draw paths: The Pen tool and its three add-ons (Add, Delete and Convert Point), the Pencil tool and its two helpers (Smooth and Erase), the Scissors tool, the Line tool, and the simple Shape and Frame tools (each with Rectangle, Ellipse and Polygon variations). Obviously, those Adobe folks drew heavily (no pun intended) on ol' Grandpa Illustrator when creating baby InDesign.But InDesign doesn't do nearly as much as Illustrator, and some of the things it does do work differently. Drawing paths and frames, and then transforming them (rotating, scaling, and so on) can be a royal pain in the tuchus at times. Fortunately, there are fixes for most of InDesign's annoying path and transformation problems.