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Access Cookbook, 2nd Edition [Electronic resources] - نسخه متنی

Ken Getz; Paul Litwin; Andy Baron

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Recipe 9.1 Create Context-Sensitive Keyboard Shortcuts

9.1.1 Problem

You've used
Access's AutoKeys macro to create
keyboard shortcuts for your application, but you'd
like the shortcut keys to change based on the currently active form.
Is there an easy way to create context-sensitive keyboard shortcuts
in Access?

9.1.2 Solution

The SetOption method of the Application
object allows you to change global database options programmatically.
This solution shows you how to combine this functionality with the
Activate and Deactivate event properties of your forms to create
custom key shortcut macros for each form of your application.

For an example of key assignments that depend on the active form,

09-01.MDB . This sample database contains
information on units, assemblies that make up parts, and parts that
make up assemblies. Open the frmUnit form in form view. At any time,
you can press Ctrl-D to "drill
down" to the next level of detail or Ctrl-R to
revert to the previous level of detail. When you press Ctrl-D on
frmUnit, frmAssembly is loaded; if you press Ctrl-D from frmAssembly,
frmPart is loaded (see Figure 9-1). If you press
Ctrl-D a third time while frmPart has the focus, nothing happens.
Thus, the behavior of Ctrl-D changes based on its context. The Ctrl-R
keyboard macro is similarly context-sensitive.

Figure 9-1. The sample database after pressing Ctrl-D twice

To keep the example simple, we have not added the additional macro
code necessary to keep the forms synchronized. You must manually use
Ctrl-R to return to the previous level/form, then navigate to the
desired record, and then use Ctrl-D to drill down if you wish to keep
the forms synchronized.

To add context-sensitive AutoKeys macros to your
own application, follow these steps:

  1. Create a key assignment macro for
    each form in your application (you can use the same macro for more
    than one form if you like). Follow all the design rules for an
    AutoKeys macro, but give your macro a unique name
    when you are done. In the sample application, for instance, the three
    key assignment macros are called mcrUnitAutoKeys,
    mcrAssemblyAutoKeys, and
    mcrPartAutoKeys, so that the macro name reminds
    you of its function. Table 9-1 shows the settings
    for the mcrUnitAutoKeys macro.

    You'll probably want to add comments to your macro
    to make it easier to understand and maintain, as illustrated in Figure 9-2.

Table 9-1. Settings for the mcrUnitAutoKeys macro

Macro name






Form Name




Where Condition


Data Mode


Window Mode




Object Type


Object Name


Figure 9-2. The mcrUnitAutoKeys macro

  1. Import the basOptions module from 09-01.MDB into
    your own database.

  2. Add a RunCode action
    to your AutoExec macro (or create a new macro
    named AutoExec containing this one action). Set
    the action's Function Name argument to:

    =acbStoreOriginalAutoKeys( )
  3. In the OnActivate event property of each
    of your forms, add a call to the

    function. This function takes a single argument, the name of the key
    assignment macro to use while that form is active. For example, on
    the frmUnit form in the sample application, this property is set to:

  4. In
    the OnClose event of the

    last form to be closed
    in your application (typically, your main switchboard form), add a
    call to the

    acbRestoreOriginalAutokeys function.
    If there is more than one possible last form in your application,
    you'll need to add this function call to

    every possible last form.

    acbRestoreOriginalAutokeys takes no arguments.
    Figure 9-3 shows these calls in the sample

Figure 9-3. Event properties for frmUnit

9.1.3 Discussion

special built-in Application object refers to your entire Access
application. The GetOption method of this object lets you read the
options stored under Tools Options, Tools Startup, and additional
options that are available only programmatically. The Key Assignment
Macro option, which was originally part of the View Options dialog in
Access 2.0, is no longer available from the Access user interface,
but fortunately it is still available programmatically.

Because the database options are
stored in the user's registry, any changes you make
to them will affect not only the current database but also any other
database the user runs. It's best to store the
original value of any option you change and restore it when your
application is closed. The

acbStoreOriginalAutokeys function uses the
GetOption method to read the original key assignment macro name when
your application is loaded and store it in the
mstrOriginalAutokeys module-level
variable. Like the rest of the functions in this solution,

acbStoreOriginalAutokeys is very simple,
consisting of one statement, a few comments, and an error handler:

Public Function acbStoreOriginalAutokeys( )
' Store the user's original Autokeys macro name
' so we can restore it when we're done.
On Error GoTo HandleErr
mstrOriginalAutokeys = Application.GetOption("Key Assignment Macro")
Exit Function
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, _
, "acbStoreOriginalAutokeys( )"
Resume ExitHere
End Function


acbRestoreOriginalAutokeys function resets the
option to its original value. This function should be called from the
last open form. In the sample database, it is called from the Close
event of frmUnit. Its source code is:

Public Function acbRestoreOriginalAutokeys( )
' Put the Autokeys macro setting back the way we found it.
On Error GoTo HandleErr
Application.SetOption "Key Assignment Macro", mstrOriginalAutokeys
Exit Function
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, _
, "acbRestoreOriginalAutokeys( )"
Resume ExitHere
End Function

Each form passes the name of its custom
key assignment macro to the

function when the form is activated. The Activate event of the form
calls this function. The function uses the SetOption method to take
the passed macro and make it the key assignment macro. Its source
code is:

Public Function acbSetAutokeys(strMacroName As String)
' Set a new Autokeys macro. Takes the name of the
' macro to use for keyboard reassignment.
On Error GoTo HandleErr
Application.SetOption "Key Assignment Macro", strMacroName
Exit Function
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, _
, "acbSetAutokeys( )"
Resume ExitHere
End Function

You can generalize this
technique of using GetOption and SetOption to control many properties
of your application at runtimefor example, to activate the
status bar and toolbars or to allow the user to pick a new font for
datasheets from a list you supply. You should always follow the same
three basic steps:

  1. Use GetOption to read the current option value and save it in a
    module-level variable.

  2. Use SetOption to set your new value. Be sure to use the name of the
    option exactly as it appears in the Access online help.

  3. Use SetOption to restore the original value when your application is

Overlapping User Interface (UI) Methods

In a well-designed Windows application, keyboard shortcuts should not
be the only method a user can employ to accomplish a task. Because
they are hard for new users to discover or for infrequent users to
remember, keyboard shortcuts should be used only as an alternative
method of accomplishing a task. Make the task available from some
other UI method, preferably one that is more easily discovered than a
keyboard shortcut. Other UI methods include command buttons, toolbar
buttons, standard menus, and shortcut menus.

To reduce the time delay in switching key
assignment macros, we decided to reset the user's
key assignment macro only when the last open form is closed. A safer
but perhaps slower alternative would be to reset the key assignment
macro in the Deactivate event of each form.

Detecting When a User Closes an Application

There is no built-in way to have Access always run a cleanup routine
when the user closes your application. The final event you can trap
is the last form's closing. If there are multiple
possible last forms, you must make sure to check whether the one that
has closed is actually the last form. As an alternative, you can open
a hidden form in your Startup form or AutoExec
macro and call your cleanup processing from this
form's Close event. Access will automatically close
this form when the user exits, and since this was the first form
opened, it will be the last form closed.

The individual calls to the

acbSetAutoKeys function are attached to the
forms' Activate events instead of their GotFocus
events for a very good reason. Unless there are no controls on a form
that can get the focus, the form itself will

never receive the focus. Only forms consisting
strictly of graphic objects and disabled controls will ever trigger a
form-level GotFocus event.

It is interesting to note that AutoKeys functionality is just about
the only thing left in Access that can be done only by using macros,
not in VBA code.

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