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Access Cookbook, 2nd Edition [Electronic resources] - نسخه متنی

Ken Getz; Paul Litwin; Andy Baron

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Recipe 4.4 Hide Access Screen Activity

4.4.1 Problem

You can use a
form's Painting property to disable updates to that
form, but some activities still seem to show through or cause
flashing on the screen. Is there any way to hide screen activity?

4.4.2 Solution

Sometimes you need more control over screen repainting than you get
with either Form.Painting. You may also need to investigate the
Application.Echo method. By passing this method a True or a False
value, you can indicate whether you want to display updating within
the main Access window. You can also optionally pass the method a
second parametera string indicating text to be displayed
within the status bar while screen updating is disabled.

Load and run frmLockScreen (Figure 4-9) from

04-04.MDB . This sample form simply opens three
reports in design mode and then closes them. The form includes a
checkbox that allows you to run the test with screen updates enabled
or disabled. Try it both ways; you should see a clear difference
between the two ways of running the test. With the checkbox set, the
underlying code disables screen updates, so you
shouldn't see the reports' icons
pop up. Without the checkbox set, you will see the reports open and
minimize, in design view.

Figure 4-9. The sample form, frmLockScreen, ready to run its tests

To use Application.Echo to
disable screen updates in your own applications, follow these steps:

  1. Import the module basLockScreen from

    04-04.MDB .
    This module includes the simple code that's required
    in order to disable updates to the Access main window.

  2. When you want to disable screen updates, call the

    acbShowUpdates subroutine, passing it a
    False value. To reenable screen updates, call the
    subroutine again, passing it a True value. In
    other words, your code that uses

    should take the following form:

    Call acbShowUpdates(False)
    ' Do your work in here...
    Call acbShowUpdates(True)

4.4.3 Discussion

The Application.Echo method is simple to use, but many developers
miss it, allowing their applications to appear somewhat dizzying as
objects appear and disappear from the screen. The acbShowUpdates
method really doesn't do much besides what a direct
call to Application.Echo does:

Sub acbShowUpdates(blnShow As Boolean)
If blnShow Then
Application.Echo True
Application.Echo False
End If
End Sub

As a matter of fact, the reason this procedure exists at all is
because the techniques used in this topic work great in Access 2002
and later, but may not work correctly in earlier versionsit
may be that if you're running Access 2000 or
earlier, using Application.Echo to turn off screen updating while
opening a report in design view may not hide screen updates. In that
case, you may want to try an alternate technique, calling the

acbShowUpdatesAPI method.


acbShowUpdatesAPI subroutine (in basLockScreen)
does its work by calling the Windows API function

LockWindowUpdate . This function takes as its
only parameter a window handle. If that handle is nonzero, Windows
simply stops updating the contents of that window on screen. If the
handle is 0, Windows reenables screen updates to the locked window.

Because the only window you care about locking in Access is the main
Access window itself, the

routine shields you from any of the details. If you pass it a
False value, it blocks window updates. If you pass
it a True value, it reenables updates. It finds
the Access window handle for you, if necessary, and then calls

LockWindowUpdate . Its source code is simple:

Sub acbShowUpdatesAPI (blnShow As Integer)
If blnShow Then
acb_apiLockWindowUpdate 0
acb_apiLockWindowUpdate Application.hWndAccessApp
End If
End Sub

In Access 2.0, finding the window handle (the unique integer that
identifies every window) for the main Access window was difficult. It
required a good deal of work with multiple Windows API functions. In
later versions, the Application object exposes the hWndAccessApp
property, which returns the window handle of the main Access window.

You may find, depending on the version of Access
you're using, that
this method of disabling screen updates
isn't perfect. Because Access has no idea that
you've turned them off, Access itself occasionally
turns on screen updates. For example, depending on how you open forms
and reports in design mode, completely hiding the properties sheet
may be difficult. In the sample application,

04-04.MDB , the reports'
properties sheet isn't showing. If you open one of
the reports, open the properties sheet, and then save the report, no
combination of Application.Echo and calls to

LockWindowUpdate will completely remove that
properties sheet from the screen when you open the report in design
view. Hiding reports in design view

In older versions of Access, you had
to resort to hacks to hide reports in design view. Fortunately, that
is no longer necessary in Access 2002 and later, because Microsoft
has finally supplied a WindowMode
parameter that can be used to hide a report when you open it, even if
it's opened in design view. Also, many of the
printer settings that made it necessary to open reports in design
view are no longer necessary starting in Access 2002 because of the
Printer object (see Chapter 5 for several

If you are working in Access 97,
you can take advantage of an undocumented but effective technique for
hiding the hard-to-hide properties windows of reports that are open
in design view. Be warned, however, that this method is totally
undocumented, is unsupported by Microsoft, and
doesn't work in Access 2000 or later.

The Application object in
Access supports the GetOption and SetOption methods, which allow you
to get and set global options. Most of these options are documented
(see the online help topics for GetOption/SetOption), while a few
items are not documented but do useful work. One such option allows
you to retrieve and set the coordinates for the form or report
properties sheet (in versions of Access prior to Access 2000) and to
set whether or not you want the properties sheet to be visible when
you open a form or report in design view.

To retrieve the information about
the report properties sheet in Access 97 or 95, use a call like this:

strInfo = Application.GetOption("_26")

This will retrieve a
string containing information on the report properties
sheet's location and whether or not to display it
when you open a report in design view. The string will be in this


For example, it might look like this:


indicating that the properties sheet will be visible when you load a
report and that when it does show up it will be at 510, 433 with a
width of 835 and a height of 683.

To make sure that your application doesn't show the
properties sheet while it does its work, you can retrieve this
property, set the first character to 0, and then save it. The code
might look like this:

Dim strInfo As String
strInfo = Application.GetOption("_26")
strInfo = "0" & Mid(strInfo, 2)
Application.SetOption "_26", strInfo

The only way this will have any influence is if you call this code
before you've loaded any reports in design mode.
Access looks at this information only once, when it loads the
properties sheet for the first time. Once it has loaded the
properties sheet, it doesn't look at these values
again. Every time you leave design mode Access stores information
about the properties sheet, so if you're going to
try to set these values for the next time you start Access, make sure
you do it when there's no report open in design
mode. Otherwise, Access will override your settings when it saves
them itself.

To use this technique for forms, use option
"_24" instead.
It's not nearly as useful with forms as it is with
reports, however, because in older versions of Access you can open
hidden forms but not hidden reports.

Never Turn off the Screen Without an Error Handler!

Though this same advice goes for using Application.Echo or
Form.Painting, it's especially true for using

LockWindowUpdate . Any time you turn off the
screen display, you absolutely must include an error handler in your
routine that will immediately reenable screen updates if an error
occurs. Sooner or later, a runtime error

occur, and your code must react to this and clean up. Users tend to
do unpleasant things, such as rebooting their computers, when their
screens stop dead (that's what would happen if an
error occurred while you had screen updates turned off ). This can be
detrimental to their data and to your application, so never consider
turning off the screen unless you also include an error handler to
turn it back on.

As an example of an error handler that
resets screen updates, the code executed by frmLockScreen handles
errors by using the normal exit route from the routine:

Private Sub cmdOpenReports_Click( )
Dim intI As Integer
Dim intSuccess As Integer
On Error GoTo HandleErr
If Me.chkHideUpdates Then
If Me.chkUseAPI Then
Call acbShowUpdatesAPI(False)
Call acbShowUpdates(False)
End If
End If
For intI = 1 To 3
Call acbOpenReport("rptReport" & intI, acDesign)
Next intI
For intI = 1 To 3
DoCmd.Close acReport, "rptReport" & intI
Next intI
If Me.chkHideUpdates Then
If Me.chkUseAPI Then
Call acbShowUpdatesAPI(True)
Call acbShowUpdates(True)
End If
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
Resume ExitHere
End Sub

If an error occurs while this subroutine is active, the code will
jump to the HandleErr label and from there will
resume at the ExitHere label. The code will
re-enable screen updates and then exit the routine. Your own code may
not look exactly like this, but you must handle errors so that the
screen never remains locked up when an error occurs.

4.4.4 See Also

For more information on working with the Windows API, see Chapter 11.

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