Access Cookbook, 2nd Edition [Electronic resources] نسخه متنی

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Access Cookbook, 2nd Edition [Electronic resources] - نسخه متنی

Ken Getz; Paul Litwin; Andy Baron

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Recipe 6.3 Find All Records with Names That Sound Alike

6.3.1 Problem

You enter people's
names into a table in which misspellings are a common occurrence. You
would like a way to search for a person's record
disregarding slight differences in spelling. You've
tried using the Like operator with the first
letter of the person's last name, but that produces
too many names. Is there any way to search for records that sound

6.3.2 Solution

Access has no built-in sound-alike
function, but you can create one that employs a standard algorithm
called the Russell Soundex algorithm. Using this algorithm,
it's fairly easy to search for a last name

Run the qrySoundex query found in

06-03.MDB .
Enter a last name in the query parameter dialog, and qrySoundex will
return all records from tblStaff that sound like the name you
entered. For example, if you enter the name
"Jahnsin" at the parameter prompt,
qrySoundex will return the records shown in Figure 6-5.

Figure 6-5. The records returned by searching for "Jahnsin"

To perform Soundex searches in your own applications, follow these

  1. Import the basSoundex module from

    06-03.MDB into
    your database.

  2. Create a query based on a table that contains a field that holds
    people's last names. Include the LastName field and
    any additional fields you wish to see in the output of the query.

  3. Create a calculated field that calculates the Soundex code for the
    LastName field using the

    acbSoundex function. In
    qrySoundex, we used the following calculation to create a new field
    called Soundex:

    Soundex: acbSoundex([LastName])
  4. Enter criteria for the calculated field that compare that field
    against the Soundex code of a user-entered parameter. Use the

    acbSoundex function to obtain the Soundex code
    of the parameter. We used the following criteria in qrySoundex:

    acbSoundex([Enter Last Name])

    This qrySoundex query is shown in Figure 6-6.

Figure 6-6. The qrySoundex query in design view

  1. Declare the parameter to be of type Text using the Query
    Parameters dialog.

  2. Save and run the query.

6.3.3 Discussion

You can find the

acbSoundex function in basSoundex in

06-03.MDB . This function takes a last name and
returns a four-digit Soundex code for the name. If you look at the
fourth column in Figure 6-5, you can see that the
Soundex code for all rows is the same. In this casefor names
sounding like "Jahnsin"the
code is "J525". Soundex codes
always begin with the first letter of the name followed by three
digits ranging between 0 and 6 that represent the remaining
significant consonants in the name.


acbSoundex function is shown here:

Public Function acbSoundex( _
ByVal varSurName As Variant) As Variant
' Purpose:
' Takes a surname string and returns a 4-digit
' code representing the Russell Soundex code.
' In:
' varSurName: A surname (last name) as a variant
' Out:
' Return value: A 4-digit Soundex code as a variant
Const acbcSoundexLength = 4
On Error GoTo HandleErr
Dim intLength As Integer
Dim intCharCount As Integer
Dim intSdxCount As Integer
Dim intSeparator As Integer
Dim intSdxCode As Integer
Dim intPrvCode As Integer
Dim strChar As String * 1
Dim strSdx As String * acbcSoundexLength
Dim strName As String
' We add vbNullString to take care of a passed Null
strName = varSurName & vbNullString
intLength = Len(strName)
strSdx = String(acbcSoundexLength, "0")
If intLength > 0 Then
intSeparator = 0 'Keeps track of vowel separators
intPrvCode = 0 'The code of the previous char
intCharCount = 0 'Counts number of input chars
intSdxCount = 0 'Counts number of output chars
'Loop until the soundex code is of acbcSoundexLength
'or we have run out of characters in the surname
Do Until (intSdxCount >= acbcSoundexLength Or intCharCount >= intLength)
intCharCount = intCharCount + 1
strChar = Mid$(strName, intCharCount, 1)
'Calculate the code for the current character
Select Case strChar
Case "B", "F", "P", "V"
intSdxCode = 1
Case "C", "G", "J", "K", "Q", "S", "X", "Z"
intSdxCode = 2
Case "D", "T"
intSdxCode = 3
Case "L"
intSdxCode = 4
Case "M", "N"
intSdxCode = 5
Case "R"
intSdxCode = 6
Case "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "Y"
intSdxCode = -1
Case Else
intSdxCode = -2
End Select
'Special case the first character
If intCharCount = 1 Then
Mid$(strSdx, 1, 1) = UCase(strChar)
intSdxCount = intSdxCount + 1
intPrvCode = intSdxCode
intSeparator = 0
'If a significant constant and not a repeat
'without a separator then code this character
ElseIf intSdxCode > 0 And _
(intSdxCode <> intPrvCode Or intSeparator = 1) Then
Mid$(strSdx, intSdxCount + 1, 1) = intSdxCode
intSdxCount = intSdxCount + 1
intPrvCode = intSdxCode
intSeparator = 0
'If a vowel, this character is not coded,
'but it will act as a separator
ElseIf intSdxCode = -1 Then
intSeparator = 1
End If
acbSoundex = strSdx
acbSoundex = Null
End If
Exit Function
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, _
vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "acbSoundex"
End Select
Resume ExitHere
End Function


acbSoundex function
is based on the Russell Soundex standard algorithm. Soundex is the
most commonly used sound-alike algorithm in the U.S. It works by
discarding the most unreliable parts of a name, while retaining much
of the name's discriminating power. It works best
when used with the English versions of names of people of European
descent. Its discriminating power is reduced when it is used with
very short or very long names or names with a high percentage of
vowels. Other sound-alike algorithms may work better in these

The Soundex algorithm was created to work with
people's last names. It appears to work reasonably
well with people's first names also, but not for
names of businesses. Soundex does not work well for business names
primarily because these names tend to be longer than
people's names, and Soundex encodes only the first
four significant characters. We've found that
extending the number of encoded characters to eight works better for
business names, although this is a nonstandard implementation of the
algorithm. You can easily extend the number of encoded characters by
changing the acbcSoundexLength constant found at
the beginning of

acbSoundex . If you decide to do
this, however, we suggest you rename the function to something like

acbSoundex8 to distinguish it from the standard

Soundex will not work satisfactorily with data other than names.

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