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Access Cookbook, 2nd Edition [Electronic resources] - نسخه متنی

Ken Getz; Paul Litwin; Andy Baron

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Recipe 9.10 Create a Generic, Reusable Status Meter

9.10.1 Problem

Access allows you to control the built-in
status meter using the

SysCmd function, but you
have no control over the location or appearance of this status meter.
How do you create a status meter that you can control?

9.10.2 Solution

You can create a status meter based on
an Access form and control it using VBA routines. The status meter is
composed of a Rectangle control and a Label control. By updating the
Width property of the rectangle, you can control the
meter's progress. Additionally, by updating the
Caption property of the label, you can insert messages such as
"50% complete." All the internal
workings of the control can be encapsulated (hidden) inside the form.

For an example of a programmatically controlled status bar, open and
run frmTestStatusMeter from

09-10.MDB (see Figure 9-32). To start the status meter, click the Start
button and frmStatusMeter will pop up. If you want the status meter
to include a Cancel button, check the Include Cancel button checkbox
before clicking the Start button. The status meter will slowly
advance to 100% and then close. If you've included a
Cancel button, you can click on it at any time to immediately close
the status meter and notify the calling form (frmTestStatusMeter)
that the cancel has been requested.

Figure 9-32. The frmStatusMeter form Create a generic status meter

To create a generic status meter for your own application, follow
these steps (or skip these steps entirely and import frmStatusMeter
and basStatusMeter from

09-10.MDB into your

  1. Create a form and set its
    properties as shown in Table 9-10.

Table 9-10. Property settings for the status bar form




Single Form











Control Box




Close Button


  1. Place a rectangle on the form, name
    it recStatus, and set its Width property to 0. Set its background
    color to the color of your choice.

  2. Place a label on the form, name it
    lblStatus, and set its Width property to the total width you want the
    status bar to be. Set its Background to Clear. In the Label property,
    type in "0% Completed".

  3. Add a command button control named
    cmdCancel with a caption of
    "Cancel". Create an event procedure
    attached to the button's Click event. (If
    you're unsure of how to do this, see the Section
    P.5.5 in the the preface of this book.) Add the following code to the
    event procedure:

    Private Sub cmdCancel_Click( )
    mblnCancel = True
    End Sub
  4. Add the following global declaration to
    the global declarations section of the form's

    Dim mblnCancel As Boolean
  5. Add the following three procedures to the form's

    Private Sub cmdCancel_Click( )
    mblnCancel = True
    End Sub
    Public Sub InitMeter( _
    blnIncludeCancel As Boolean, strTitle As String)
    Me.recStatus.Width = 0
    Me.lblStatus.Caption = "0% complete"
    Me.Caption = strTitle
    Me.cmdCancel.Visible = blnIncludeCancel
    mblnCancel = False
    End Sub
    Public Property Let Value(intValue As Integer)
    Me.recStatus.Width = CInt(Me.lblStatus.Width * (intValue / 100))
    Me.lblStatus.Caption = Format$(intValue, "##") & "% complete"
    End Property
    Public Property Get Cancelled( ) As Boolean
    Cancelled = mblnCancel
    End Property
  6. Save the form as frmStatusMeter and close it.

  7. Create a new global module and add the following code (or import the
    module basStatusMeter from

    09-10.MDB ).

    Private Const mconMeterForm = "frmStatusMeter"
    Private Function IsOpen(strForm As String)
    IsOpen = (SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acForm, strForm) > 0)
    End Function
    Public Sub acbCloseMeter( )
    On Error GoTo HandleErr
    DoCmd.Close acForm, mconMeterForm
    Exit Sub
    Select Case Err.Number
    Case Else
    MsgBox "Error#" & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, , _
    End Select
    Resume ExitHere
    End Sub
    Public Sub acbInitMeter(strTitle As String, fIncludeCancel As Boolean)
    On Error GoTo HandleErr
    DoCmd.OpenForm mconMeterForm
    Forms(mconMeterForm).InitMeter fIncludeCancel, strTitle
    Exit Sub
    Select Case Err.Number
    Case Else
    MsgBox "Error#" & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, , _
    End Select
    If IsOpen(mconMeterForm) Then
    Call acbCloseMeter
    End If
    Resume ExitHere
    End Sub
    Public Function acbUpdateMeter(intValue As Integer) As Boolean
    On Error GoTo HandleErr
    Forms(mconMeterForm).Value = intValue
    ' Return value is False if cancelled
    If Forms(mconMeterForm).Cancelled Then
    Call acbCloseMeter
    acbUpdateMeter = False
    acbUpdateMeter = True
    End If
    Exit Function
    Select Case Err.Number
    Case Else
    MsgBox "Error#" & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, , _
    End Select
    If IsOpen(mconMeterForm) Then
    Call acbCloseMeter
    End If
    Resume ExitHere
    End Function
  8. Save and close the global module. Use the generic status meter in your application

To use the generic status meter in your own applications, follow
these steps:

  1. When you wish to initialize the meter, use the following syntax:

    Call acbInitMeter(title, flag)

    where title is the title you want the
    status meter to assume, and flag is
    True (or -1) to display a Cancel button or
    False (or 0) to not display one. For example, this
    statement creates a status meter with the title Progress and a Cancel

    Call acbInitMeter("Progress", True)
  2. To update the meter with a new progress value, use the following

    variable = acbUpdateMeter(value)

    where value is an integer between 0 and

    acbUpdateMeter will place
    True or False in the return
    value. If the return value is False, the user has
    pressed the Cancel button. (The return value will never be
    False if you choose not to include the Cancel
    button when initializing the status meter.) For example, to update
    the meter with a progress setting of 50%, you might call

    acbUpdateMeter like this:

    blnOK = acbUpdateMeter(50)
  3. To close the status meter form, use this syntax:

    Call acbCloseMeter

9.10.3 Discussion

You can change the size of the
rectangle by manipulating its Width property. The Rectangle control
is placed behind a transparent Label control that defines the
boundaries of the status meter and contains the status text. The
status meter form is manipulated by three public wrapper functions
contained in basStatusMeter:

acbInitMeter ,

acbUpdateMeter , and

acbCloseMeter . These functions, in turn,
interact with frmStatusMeter through its exposed properties. The
wrapper functions know the names of the properties and how to call
them, but they know nothing of the inner workings of the form.

acbInitMeter initializes the status meter by
opening the status meter form and calling the InitMeter method. At
the same time, a parameter is passed that determines if the Cancel
button is included on the status meter form:

DoCmd.OpenForm acbcMeterForm
Forms(acbcMeterForm).InitMeter blnIncludeCancel, strTitle

acbUpdateMeter sets the value of the status
meter form's UpdateMeter property. It then checks
the Cancelled property of the form to determine whether the user has
clicked on the Cancel button. If so, it closes the status meter form
and returns False to the calling procedure;
otherwise it returns True:

Forms(acbcMeterForm).Value = intValue
' Return value is False if cancelled.
If Forms(acbcMeterForm).Cancelled Then
Call acbCloseMeter
acbUpdateMeter = False
acbUpdateMeter = True
End If

acbCloseMeter closes the status meter form using
the DoCmd.Close method:

DoCmd.Close acForm, acbcMeterForm

When the InitMeter property is set by
some external procedure, the InitMeter procedure runs the following

Me.recStatus.Width = 0
Me.lblStatus.Caption = "0% complete"
Me.Caption = strTitle
Me.cmdCancel.Visible = blnIncludeCancel
mblnCancel = False

This code sets the Width
property of the recStatus control to 0 and the Caption property of
lblStatus to "0% complete", updates
the form's Caption property with the
strTitle parameter, and sets the cmdCancel
button's Visible property to match the
blnIncludeCancel parameter. The code then
uses the RepaintObject method to force an update of the screen and
resets the mblnCancel module-level global
variable to False.

When the UpdateMeter property of the form is set to a value, the
following code is executed by the UpdateMeter procedure:

Me.recStatus.Width = CInt(Me.lblStatus.Width * (intValue / 100))
Me.lblStatus.Caption = Format$(intValue, "##") & "% complete"

This code updates the status meter by changing the width of the
recStatus control relative to the width of the lblStatus control.
This relative change ensures that the status meter rectangle never
exceeds the limits as defined by the width of the lblStatus control.
The routine then updates the Caption property of the lblStatus
control to a formatted percentage value concatenated to the string
"% complete". Once again, the code
uses the RepaintObject method to force an update of the screen.

The Cancelled property of the status meter form is handled by the
Cancelled Get property procedure. When called by an external
procedure, this procedure returns the value of the module-level
global mblnCancel variable. This variable,
which was initialized to 0 by the IntitMeter Let property procedure,
is set to False if the user clicks on the
cmdCancel button in the cmdCancel_Click event procedure.

It's a good idea to
encapsulate the inner workings of a generic utility form such as
frmStatusMeter by keeping all the event procedures private and using
procedures to expose a controlled user interface to calling
procedures. Getting in the habit of thinking and coding in this
object-oriented way will allow you to create generic components that
you can reuse over and over again.

The pop-up status meter
form's AutoCenter property has been set to Yes, so
it will always appear in the center of the screen. You may wish to

acbInitMeter with optional left and top
parameters so you can precisely position the form on the screen when
it is first opened.

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