5-4-Real Freedom in Islamic System and Its Difference with Western Pseudo-Freedoms
There are a number of baseless arguments about freedom that are mainly
put forth by the enemies and their domestic agents in order to distort the
image of the model of the Islamic Republic in the world, particularly for the
supporters of the Islamic Republic. However, only a few ignorant and deceived
insiders too repeat what the enemies maintain about freedom, but the visible
truth for the great people of Iran is liberation from the captivity of the
illegitimate regime and from the shackles of domination of arrogant powers. They
remember what happened to them during the illegitimate regime and no one dared
to criticize or protest. Those who write and speak on the mourning of freedom
today, are aspiring a freedom in which there is no place for Islam so that they
will be able to indulge in corruption, promiscuity, revelry and
self-indulgence. Although they do not express it openly, through freely
claiming that there is not any freedom they expose their ultimate goal, which
is freedom minus Islam. Freedom in Islam is essentially and naturally different
from what prevails in the West. Therefore the Islamic Republic never sought
that kind of freedom and hence its absence is not considered a shortcoming
today. The Islamic Republic seeks freedom from the viewpoint of Islam and
within the framework of its divine culture and the people too seek the same
"In the Western liberal school of thought, man's freedom means freedom
minus a truth called religion and God. Hence, it never considers freedom a
God-given phenomenon; they never say that freedom has been granted to man by
God; they try to find a philosophical source and root for it; they have
mentioned some roots and offered various interpretations in this regard. In
Islam, freedom has divine roots; this is in itself a basic difference and a
source of a number of other differences."[54]
Freedom is restricted to values in Islam, while in the West freedom is
unlimited when it comes to values and ethical principles, for in their
viewpoints ethic and values are relative and there is no absolute truth. It is
the material interests of the powers and capitalists that restrict the freedoms
in the West.
Since truth and ethical values are relative in Western liberalism,
freedom is unlimited. Why? Because, since you believe in a set of ethical
values, you are not entitled to censure a person who protests these values, for
he may not have faith in these values. Therefore, there are no restrictions to
freedom. But freedom is not as such in Islam. There are definite, absolute
values in Islam. There is an absolute truth. Move towards this truth is a value
and generator of value and perfection. Therefore, freedom is restricted by
these values. Some may go astray in understanding of these values, but there
are some who chose the right path. However, freedom is restricted by the truth
and values."[55]