The Islamic Revolution [Electronic resources] نسخه متنی

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The Islamic Revolution [Electronic resources] - نسخه متنی

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[1]Mohammadi, Manouchehr, A Comparative Study of the Islamic Revolution and the
French and Russian Revolutions, 2nd Ed., 1995.

[2]Arendt, Hannah, Revolution, Tr. By Fouladvand, Ezatuualh, P. 57.

[3]Ale-Imran: 144.

[4]Motahhari, Morteza, About the Islamic Revolution, P. 82.

[5]Daugherty, J.E., R.L.P. Baltz Graph, JN, Contending Theories of International
Relations, (New York: B.L. Linincott Company,
1971), P. 237.

[6]Johnson, Chalmers, Tr. By Siasi, Homeira, Revolutionary Change: A Theoretical
Study of the Phenomenon of Revolution, (Tehran: Amir Kabir, 1984), P. 17.

[7]Brinton, Crane, The Anatomy of Revolution, (USA, Prentice Hall, 1956), P. 4.

[8]Motahhari, Op. Cit., P. 82.

[9]Mohammadi, Manouchehr, A Comparative Study of the Islamic Revolution and the
French and Russian Revolutions, 2nd Ed., 1995, PP. 24-25.

[10]Moore, Wilbert, Social Change, P. 19.

[11]Mohammadi, Manouchehr, An Analysis of the Islamic Revolution, (Tehran: Amir
Kabir, 1986), PP. 40-41.

[12]See,Taheri, Habibullah, Revolution and Roots; Raifpour, Faramarz, Development and
Contradiction (Tehran: Beheshti University Press, 1997), 1st Ed., P.
81; Mohammadi, Manouchehr, An Analysis of the Islamic Revolution, Op. Cit.

[13]Mohammadi, Manouchehr, A Comparative Study of the Islamic Revolution and the
French and Russian Revolutions, Op. Cit., PP. 31-32.

I., Iran Between Two Revolutions, Tr. By Golmohammadi, Ahmad and Fattahi,
Mohammad Ibrahim (Tehran: Nashr Nei, 1998), 2nd Ed. P. 542.

T.H., Planning in Iran, Tr. By Mohammad Beigi, Ali Azam, (Tehran: Nasr Nei,
1998), PP. 123-124.

Faramarz, Op. Cit., P. 81.

[17] Zonis
Marvin, The Fall of the Shah, Tr. By Zand, Ismail and Saidi Batul, (Tehran:
Nashr Nour), 1st Ed., PP.432-434; 456.

Op. Cit., PP. 535-537.

Michael, Iran From Religious Dispute to Revolution, P. 25.

[20]Johnson, Op. Cit., P. 17.

[21]Shariati, Ali, Collection of Works, "Ummah and Imamah" (Tehran: Nilufar), P.

[22]Mohammadi, Manouchehr, A Comparative Study of the Islamic Revolution and the
French and Russian Revolutions, Op. Cit., PP. 39-40.

[23]Foucault, Michel, Iranian
Dream, Tr. By Masoumi Hamedani, Hussein, (Tehran: Hermes, 1998), 2nd
Ed., P. 42.

[24]Blachet, C. Pierre, Iran: Revolution in the Name of God, Tr. By San'avi, Qasem,
(Tehran: Sahab Publishers, 1980), P. 255.

[25]Rajabi, Mohammad Hussein, Political Biography of Imam Khomeini, (Tehran: Qibla
Cultural Institute, 1907), P. 24.

[26]In Search of Path Through Imam's Remarks, (Eighth Book - Clerics) (Tehran, Amir
Kabir, 1985), 1st Ed., PP. 19-191.

[27]Imam Khomeini, New Treatise, Vol. 14, Political Legal Issues, compiled by
Biazar Shirazi, Abdul Karim, (Tehran, Daftar Nashr Farhang Islami, 1994), 6th
Ed., PP. 243-257.

[28]Ibid., P. 247.

[29]Some Aspects of Imam Khomeini's Gnosticism and Ethic in Viewpoints of the
Friends, (Tehran, Hadi,), P. 19.

[30]Tahari, Seyed Javad, The Idea of Modern State, (Tehran: Institute for
Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini's Works, 2002), 1st
Ed., P. 256.

[31]Mohammadi, Manouchehr, A Comparative Study of Iranian Revolution with French
and Russian Revolutions, 2nd Ed., Op. Cit., PP. 40-41.

Wilayat, A Collection of Speeches of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution,
Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Vol. 3, P. 249.

Wilayat, A Collection of Speeches of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution,
Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Vol. 1, PP. 222-223.

Wilayat, A Collection of Speeches of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution,
Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Vol. 4, PP. 277-278.

Wilayat, A Collection of Speeches of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution,
Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Vol. 6, PP. 221-222.

[36] Hadith-e
Wilayat, A Collection of Speeches of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution,
Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Vol. 6, P. 296.

[37] Hadith-e
Wilayat, A Collection of Speeches of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution,
Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Vol. 4, PP. 46-49.

[38] The holy
Quran, Chapter 1 (Cow): 120.

[39] Hadith-e
Wilayat, A Collection of Speeches of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution,
Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Vol. 4, PP. 276-277.

[40] Hadith-e
Wilayat, A Collection of Speeches of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution,
Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Vol. 5, PP. 10-11.

[41] Hadith-e
Wilayat, A Collection of Speeches of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution,
Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Vol. 3, PP. 250-252.

[42] Hadith-e
Wilayat, A Collection of Speeches of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution,
Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Vol. 6, P.

[43] Hadith-e
Wilayat, A Collection of Speeches of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution,
Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Vol. 3, PP. 204-206.

[44] Hadith-e
Wilayat, A Collection of Speeches of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution,
Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Vol. 6, PP. 220-221.

[45] Hadith-e
Wilayat, A Collection of Speeches of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution,
Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Vol. 4, PP. 14-17.

[46] The holy
Quran, Chapter 2 (Al-e Imran): 170.

[47] The Leader
of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Speech at a meeting
with the people of Qom, December 4, 1995.

[48] Hadith-e
Wilayat, A Collection of Speeches of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution,
Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Vol. 4, PP. 17-18.

[49] Hadith-e
Wilayat, A Collection of Speeches of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution,
Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Vol. 4, PP. 18-20.

[50] Hadith-e
Wilayat, A Collection of Speeches of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution,
Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Vol. 3, PP. 256-257.

[51] Hadith-e
Wilayat, A Collection of Speeches of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution,
Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Vol. 4, PP. 49-50.

[52] Hadith-e
Wilayat, A Collection of Speeches of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution,
Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Vol. 4, PP. 50-51.

[53] Hadith-e
Wilayat, A Collection of Speeches of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution,
Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Vol. 4, PP. 52-54.

[54] Leader of
the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Speech at a meeting with the a group of graduate
students from Tarbiyat Modarres University, Tehran, September 3, 1998.

[55] Ibid.

[56] Hadith-e
Wilayat, A Collection of Speeches of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution,
Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Vol. 3, PP. 252-257.

[57] Hadith-e
Wilayat, A Collection of Speeches of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution,
Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Vol. 3, PP. 121-209.

[58] Hadith-e
Wilayat, A Collection of Speeches of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution,
Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Vol. 1, PP. 303; 304.

[59] Hadith-e
Wilayat, A Collection of Speeches of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution,
Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, Vol. 3, P. 304.

[60] This
chapter is mainly based on the following source: Mohammadi, Manouchehr, A
Comparative Study of the Islamic Revolution and the French and Russian
Revolutions, 2nd Ed., 1995.

[61] Hiro,
Dillip, Iran Under the Ayatollahs, P. 1.

Skocpol, Theda, "Rentier State and Shia Islam in the Iranian Revolution, Theory
and Society (USA), 1982, No. 3, P. 285.

[63] The
Estates-General met at Versailles on May 5, 1789. They were immediately divided
over a fundamental issue: should they vote by head, so as to give advantage to
the Third Estate, or by estate, in which case the two privileged ones might
outvote the third? In the bitter struggle over this legal issue the deputies of
the Third Estate soon won the support of the parish priests against the
privileged, whom the king favored. The Third Estate was victorious when, in
defiance of the king, it met on June 20 in the jeu de paume (tennis) court and
swore never to disperse until it had given France a new constitution. The king
grudgingly gave in and invited the clergy and nobility to join the Third Estate
and so to form the National Constituent Assembly; but at the same time he began
gathering troops to dissolve it.

Skocpol, Theda, "Rentier State and Shia Islam in the Revolution," Theory and
Society, Theory and Society (USA), 1982, Vol. II, No. 3, P. 266.

Brinton, Crane, Anatomy of Revolution, P. 180.

Alexis de Tocqueville: "The Old Regime and the French Revolution," by Stuart
Gilbert, (New York: Double Day Anchor, 1955), P. 156.

Brinton, Op. Cit., P. 58.

Peter, A. Marx and Marxism, P. 281.

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