C - The Catalytic Elements
These are a set of elements that hasten and quicken the revolutionary process. For instance, unforgivable and irreparable mistakes of the rulers at times of crisis, a weak or unfaithful or undisciplined military, which is usually followed by some retreat by the ruling establishment, the inability of a weak or shattered economy to provide the basic, urgent and short-term needs of the people, and attempts at suppression and further oppression of the people which only serves to arouse their passions further, all contribute to a highly emotional, revolutionary atmosphere which is only conducive to even more insistence of the people for their rightful demands.Other catalysts include the collapse of the military forces after a defeat at foreign hands, rebellion and insubordination among military personnel, internal differences within the ruling elite, the collapse of economic and monetary infrastructures and systems, as well as psychological elements such as a belief in the inability of government forces to face or deflect opposition attacks. This particular belief might itself include a belief in supernatural help in the struggle, strengthening of the opposition morale by the belief that once revolutionary determination has become clear, foreign help will come to their aid, or the simple, solid belief that united masses are simply undefeatable, etc."[13]