The Islamic Revolution [Electronic resources] نسخه متنی

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The Islamic Revolution [Electronic resources] - نسخه متنی

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Persian Sources and English Sources Translated into Persian

Abrahamian, I., Iran Between Two
Revolutions, Tr. By Golmohammadi, Ahmad and Fattahi, Mohammad Ibrahim (Tehran:
Nashr Nei, 1998).

Arendt, Hannah, Revolution, Tr.
By Fouladvand, Ezatuualh.

Blachet, C. P., Iran: Revolution
in the Name of God, Tr. By San'avi, Qasem, (Tehran: Sahab Publishers, 1980).

Brinton, Crane, The Anatomy of
Revolution, (USA, Prentice Hall, 1956).

Imam Khomeini, New Treatise, Vol.
14, Political Legal Issues, compiled by Biazar Shirazi, Abdul Karim (Tehran,
Daftar Nashr Farhang Islami, 1994), 6th Ed.

In Search of Path Through Imam's
Remarks, (Eighth Book - Clerics) (Tehran, Amir Kabir, 1985), 1st Ed.

Johnson, Chalmers, Tr. By Siasi,
Homeira, Revolutionary Change: A Theoretical Study of the Phenomenon of
Revolution, (Tehran: Amir Kabir, 1984).

Macleod, T.H., Planning in Iran,
Tr. By Mohammad Beigi, Ali Azam, (Tehran: Nasr Nei, 1998).

Mohammadi, Manouchehr, A Comparative Study of
the Islamic Revolution and the French and Russian Revolutions, 2nd
Ed., 1995.

Mohammadi, Manouchehr, An
Analysis of the Islamic Revolution, (Tehran: Amir Kabir, 1986).

Motahhari, Morteza, About the
Islamic Revolution.

Peter, A. Marx and Marxism.

Raifpour, Faramarz, Development and
Contradiction (Tehran: Beheshti University Press, 1997).

Rajabi, Mohammad Hussein,
Political Biography of Imam Khomeini, (Tehran: Qibla Cultural Institute, 1907).

Shariati, Ali, Collection of
Works, "Ummah and Imamah" (Tehran: Nilufar).

Some Aspects of Imam Khomeini's
Gnosticism and Ethic in Viewpoints of the Friends (Tehran, Hadi).

Tahari, Seyed Javad, The Idea of
Modern State, (Tehran: Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam
Khomeini's Works, 2002).

Taheri, Habibullah, Revolution
and Roots (Tehran: Islamic Propagation Organization, 1997), 6th Ed.

Zonis Marvin, The Fall of the
Shah, Tr. By Zand, Ismail and Saidi Batul, (Tehran: Nashr Nour), 1st

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