Warping point type Now you will add the words "Olive Oil" to the label, and then warp them to make them more playful. Warping lets you distort type to conform to a variety of shapes, such as an arc or a wave. The warp style you select is an attribute of the type layeryou can change a layer's warp style at any time to change the overall shape of the warp. Warping options give you precise control over the orientation and perspective of the warp effect.
1. | Scroll or use the Hand tool ( ) to move the visible area of the image window so that the orange part of the label, below the black bar, is in the center of the screen. Enlarge the image window by dragging the lower right corner, if necessary. | 2. | Deselect all layers in the Layers palette. Then select the Horizontal Type tool ( ), and in the Character palette, choose a traditional serif typeface, such as Adobe Garamond. Set it to 40 points, make the Color white, and set Tracking to 0. | 3. | Click and drag a text box in the upper area of the orange box, and then type Olive Oil. Then click the Commit Any Current Edits button ( ) on the tool options bar. The words appear on the label, and a new layer, Olive Oil, appears in the Layers palette. | 4. | Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) on the Olive Oil layer in the Layers palette, and choose Warp Text from the contextual menu. | 5. | In the Warp Text dialog box, choose Style > Wave and click the Horizontal radio button. For Bend, specify +77%, Horizontal Distribution 7%, and Vertical Distribution 24%. Then click OK. The words "Olive Oil" appear to float like a wave on the label. |