| As you paint with the Clone Stamp tool, it duplicates the pixels from another area of the image. You set the sample area by holding down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) and clicking the Clone Stamp tool.The Spot Healing Brush tool removes blemishes and imperfections from a photograph. It paints with automatically sampled pixels from an image or pattern, matching the texture, lighting, transparency, and shading to the pixels being healed.The Healing Brush tool works like the Clone Stamp tool except that Photoshop calculates a blending of the sample pixels and the painting area so that the restoration is especially subtle, yet effective.The Patch tool works like the Healing Brush tool but instead of using brush strokes to paint from a designated area, you drag a marquee around the area to be fixed and then drag the marquee over another area to mend the flawed area.The History Brush tool works like the Clone Stamp tool except that it paints pixels from a designated previous state or snapshot that you select in the History palette. |