Review questions
1: | Why would you use layer sets? | 2: | What are clipping path layers? | 3: | How do adjustment layers work, and what is the benefit of using them? | 4: | What are layer styles, and why would you use them? |
Review answersA1:
| Layer sets allow you to organize and manage layers. For example, you can move all the layers in a layer set as a group and then apply attributes or a mask to them as a group. | A2:
| A clipping path is when you configure the artwork on the base layer as a mask for the layer above it. In this lesson, you used the Metal Grille layer (which had holes in it created by the vector mask you created) as a clipping path for the Rust layer, so the rust appeared only in the holes in the grille. You also used the Diesel layer as a clipping path for the copy of the Rust layer, so it appeared only inside the shapes of the word. | A3:
| An adjustment layer is a special type of Photoshop layer that works specifically with color and tonal adjustments. When you apply an adjustment layer, you can edit an image repeatedly without making a permanent change to the colors or tonal range in the image. | A4:
| Layer styles are customizable effects that you can apply to layers. You can use them to apply changes to a layer, and you can modify or remove them at any time. |