You''ll start by using the Pen tool to make selections in the fanciful image of the flying saucer. The saucer has long, smooth, curved edges that would be difficult to select using other methods.You''ll draw a path around the saucer and create two paths inside it. After you''ve drawn the paths, you''ll convert them to selections. Then you''ll subtract one selection from the other so that only the saucer and none of the starry sky is selected. Finally, you''ll make a new layer from the saucer image and change the image that appears behind it.When drawing a freehand path using the Pen tool, use as few points as possible to create the shape you want. The fewer points you use, the smoother the curves are and the more efficient your file is.Correct number of pointsToo many points
Drawing the outline of a shape
In this exercise, you''re going to use the Pen tool to connect the dots from point A to point N, and then back to point A. You''ll set some straight segments, some smooth curve points, and some corner points.You''ll begin by configuring the Pen tool options and your work area, and then you''ll trace the outline of a flying saucer using a template.NoteIf you need practice creating and editing paths in Photoshop, read "Creating paths with the Pen tool" on page 285 before starting this exercise. 1. In the toolbox, select the Pen tool ().2. On the tool options bar, select or verify the following settings:Select the Paths () option.Click the arrow for Geometry Options and make sure that the Rubber Band check box is not selected in the Pen Options pop-up palette.Make sure that the Auto Add/Delete option is selected.Select the Add to Path Area option ().A. Paths option B. Geometry Options menu C. Add to Path Area option[View full size image]3. Click the Paths tab to bring that palette to the front of the Layers palette group.The Paths palette displays thumbnail previews of the paths you draw. Currently, the palette is empty because you haven''t started drawing.4. If necessary, zoom in so that you can easily see the lettered points and red dots on the shape template that has been created for you. Make sure you can see the whole template in the image window, and be sure to reselect the Pen tool after you zoom.5. Position the pointer on point A. Click the point and drag to its red dot to set the first anchor point and the direction of the first curve. Do the same thing at point B.At the corner of the cockpit (point B), you''ll need to make a corner point to create a sharp transition between the curved segment and the straight one.6. Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) point B to convert the smooth point into a corner point and remove one of the direction lines.
Creating paths with the Pen tool
You can use the Pen tool to create paths that are straight or curved, open or closed. If you''re unfamiliar with the Pen tool, it can be confusing to use at first. Understanding the elements of a path and how to create them with the Pen tool makes paths much easier to draw.To create a straight path, click the mouse button. The first time you click, you set the starting point. Each time that you click thereafter, a straight line is drawn between the previous point and the current point. To draw complex straight-segment paths with the Pen tool, simply continue to add points.To create a curved path, click to place an anchor point, drag to create a direction line for that point, and then click to place the next anchor point. Each direction line ends in two direction points; the positions of direction lines and points determine the size and shape of the curved segment. Moving the direction lines and points reshapes the curves in a path.Smooth curves are connected by anchor points called smooth points. Sharply curved paths are connected by corner points. When you move a direction line on a smooth point, the curved segments on both sides of the point adjust simultaneously, but when you move a direction line on a corner point, only the curve on the same side of the point as the direction line is adjusted.Path segments and anchor points can be moved after they''re drawn, either individually or as a group. When a path contains more than one segment, you can drag individual anchor points to adjust individual segments of the path, or select all of the anchor points in a path to edit the entire path. Use the Direct Selection tool () to select and adjust an anchor point, a path segment, or an entire path.Creating a closed path differs from creating an open path in the way that you end the path. To end an open path, click the Pen tool () in the toolbox. To create a closed path, position the Pen tool pointer over the starting point and click. Closing a path automatically ends the path. After the path closes, the Pen tool pointer appears with a small x, indicating that your next click will start a new path.As you draw paths, a temporary storage area named Work Path appears in the Paths palette. It''s a good idea to save work paths, and it''s essential if you use multiple discrete paths in the same image file. If you deselect an existing Work Path in the Paths palette and then start drawing again, a new work path will replace the original one, which will be lost. To save a work path, double-click it in the Paths palette, type a name in the Save Path dialog box, and click OK to rename and save the path. The path remains selected in the Paths palette.Setting a smooth point at BConverting the smooth point to a corner point7. Click point C to set a straight segment (don''t drag).If you make a mistake while you''re drawing, choose Edit > Undo to undo the step. Then resume drawing.8. Click point D and drag up from point D to its red dot. Then, click point E and drag down from point E to its red dot.9. Click point F.10. Set curve points at G, H, and I by clicking each point and dragging from the point to its red dot, each in turn.11. Click point J.12. Set curve points at K and L by clicking each point and dragging from each one to its respective red dot.13. Click point M.14. Click point N and don''t release the mouse button. Press Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) and drag from point N to the red dot to add one direction line to the anchor point at N. Then, release the mouse button and the Alt or Option key.15. Move the pointer over point A so that a small circle appears in the pointer icon, and click to close the path. (The small circle may be difficult to see because the image is dark and the circle is faint.)16. In the Paths palette, double-click the Work Path, type Saucer in the Save Path dialog box, and click OK to save it.17. Choose File > Save to save your work.
Converting selections to paths
Now, you''ll create a second path using a different method. First, you''ll use a selection tool to select a similarly colored area, and then you''ll convert the selection to a path. (You can convert any selection made with a selection tool into a path.) 1. Click the Layers tab to display the Layers palette, and then drag the Template layer to the Trash button at the bottom of the palette. You no longer need this layer.2. Select the Magic Wand tool ().3. On the Magic Wand tool options bar, make sure that the Tolerance value is 32.4. Carefully click the black area inside one of the saucer''s vertical fins.5. Shift-click inside the other fin to add that black area to the selection.6. Click the Paths tab to bring the Paths palette forward. Then, click the Make Work Path From Selection button () at the bottom of the palette.The selections are converted to paths, and a new Work Path is created.7. Double-click the Work Path, name it Fins, and then click OK to save the path.8. Choose File > Save to save your work.
Converting paths to selections
Just as you can convert selection borders to paths, so you can convert paths to selections. With their smooth outlines, paths let you make precise selections. Now that you''ve drawn paths for the spaceship and its fins, you''ll convert those paths to a selection and apply a filter to the selection. 1. In the Paths palette, click the Saucer path to make it active.2. Convert the Saucer path to a selection by doing one of the following:From the Paths palette menu, choose Make Selection, and then click OK to close the dialog box that appears.Drag the Saucer path to the Load Path as a Selection button () at the bottom of the Paths palette.Next, you''ll subtract the Fins selection from the Saucer selection so that you can see the background through the vacant areas in the fins.3. In the Paths palette, click the Fins path. Then, from the Paths palette menu, choose Make Selection.4. In the Operation area of the Make Selection dialog box, select Subtract from Selection, and click OK.The Fins path is simultaneously converted to a selection and subtracted from the Saucer selection.Leave the paths selected, because you''re going to use the selection in the next procedure.Subtracting the Fins selection from the Saucer selectionResult
Converting the selection to a layer
Now, you''ll see how creating the selection with the Pen tool can help you achieve interesting effects. Because you''ve isolated the saucer, you can create a duplicate of it on a new layer. Then, you can copy it to another image filespecifically, to the image that is the background for the toy store poster. 1. In the Layers palette, make sure that the Background layer is selected. You should still see the selection outline in the image window. If you deselected it, you need to repeat the preceding exercise, "Converting paths to selections."2. Choose Layer > New > Layer Via Copy.A new layer appears in the Layers palette, Layer 1. The Layer 1 thumbnail shows that the layer contains only the image of the flying saucer, not the sky areas of the original layer.3. In the Layers palette, double-click Layer 1, type Saucer to rename it, and press Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac OS).4. Use Adobe Bridge or the File > Open command to open the 10Start.psd file, which is located in the Lessons/Lesson10 folder.This is a Photoshop image of a graduated blue background with a planet in the lower portion of the image.5. If necessary, move the image windows so that you can see at least part of both the Saucer.psd window and the 10Start.psd window onscreen. Make sure that no layers are selected in the 10Start.psd file Layers palette, then make the Saucer.psd image window active, and select the Saucer layer in the Layers palette.6. In the toolbox, select the Move tool (), and drag from the Saucer.psd image window to the 10Start.psd image window so that the saucer appears in the sky.7. Close the Saucer.psd image without saving changes, leaving the 10Start.psd file open and active.Now you''ll position the flying saucer more precisely in the poster background.8. Select the Saucer layer in the Layers palette and choose Edit > Free Transform.A bounding box appears around the saucer.9. Position the cursor near any corner control handle until it turns into rotate cursor(), then drag to rotate the saucer until it''s at about a 20-degree angle. When you''re satisfied, press Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac OS).NoteIf you accidentally distort the saucer instead of rotating it, press Command-. (Mac OS) or Ctrl-. (Windows) and start over.10. To finesse the positioning of the saucer, make sure the Saucer layer is still selected and use the Move tool to drag the saucer so that it grazes the top of the planet, as in the following image.11. Choose File > Save.