The Ahulbayt in Quran [Electronic resources] نسخه متنی

اینجــــا یک کتابخانه دیجیتالی است

با بیش از 100000 منبع الکترونیکی رایگان به زبان فارسی ، عربی و انگلیسی

The Ahulbayt in Quran [Electronic resources] - نسخه متنی

Majd Ali Abbas

| نمايش فراداده ، افزودن یک نقد و بررسی
افزودن به کتابخانه شخصی
ارسال به دوستان
جستجو در متن کتاب
تنظیمات قلم


اندازه قلم

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حالت نمایش

روز نیمروز شب
جستجو در لغت نامه
لیست موضوعات
افزودن یادداشت جدید

Who are Ahlul-Bayt? (Part VII)

[Note: I apologize in advance, if my Sunni brothers/sisters feel
offended by the content of these parts of the article due to their
previous background on Aisha.

The purpose of this article is not
to make you feel bad, but to provide you with some pieces of information
that the Sunni collections carry, but they have been ignored due
to some scholars who prevented discussing them.
The final judgment
is with you.

Aisha After the Prophet's Demise

Another important approach to realize who Ahlul-Bayt are, is studying
the historical events after the demise of the Prophet.

to the purification sentence in Quran (the last sentence of Verse
33:33), Ahlul-Bayt are free from any dirt and impurity.

On the
other hand, the documented Sunni history testifies that Aisha
(one of the wives of the Prophet) was not righteous.

If we examine
her life after the demise of the Prophet, we will find her misconducts
more horrible than what she did during the lifetime of the Messenger
of Allah (PBUH&HF).

Undoubtedly, on of her most terrible misconduct was instigating
the Battle of Camel during the Caliphate of Imam Ali (AS).

battle was named Camel (Jamal) since Aisha was riding a Camel
to lead the rebels.

How can she be pure when she fought against
the legitimate Caliph of his time and when she is responsible
for shedding the blood of more than 10,000 Muslims? What impurity
can be imagined greater than this horrible Fitna which caused
to disunite the Muslim Ummah once and forever.

Let us first briefly
discuss the event preceding to this strife.

Agitation Against Uthman

Aisha claimed that the reason for her rise against Imam Ali (AS)
(which was manifested in the battle of Camel) was getting revenge
of the blood of Uthman.

Yet, the history testifies that Aisha
herself was one of the main figures of agitation against Uthman
which ended up with his murder.

Once she went to Uthman and asked
for her share of inheritance from the Prophet (after so many years
passed from the demise of the Prophet).

Uthman refrained to give
Aisha any money, and reminded her that she was one of those who
counseled Abu Bakr not to pay the share of inheritance of Fatimah
al-Zahra (AS).

So if Fatimah does not have any share, then why
should she? Hearing this, Aisha became very angry at Uthman, and
came out and said to the people:

"Kill this old fool (Na'thal), for he is unbeliever.

Sunni references:

History of Ibn al-Athir, v3, p206

Lisan al-Arab, v14, p141

al-Iqd al-Farid, v4, p290

Sharh Ibn Abil Hadid, v16, pp 220-223.

The following paragraph from the History of al-Tabari shows the
struggle of Aisha to agitate against Uthman and to push the famous
companions against him.

It also shows her position toward Imam
Ali (AS), and her plots with Talha for overthrowing Uthman when
Talha was able to take over the treasury of state during the siege
against Uthman:

While Ibn Abbas was setting out for Mecca, he found Aisha in al-Sulsul
(seven miles south of Medina).

Aisha said: "O' Ibn Abbas,
I appeal to you by God, to abandon this man (Uthman) and sow doubt
about him among the people, for you have been given a sharp tongue.

(By the current siege over Uthman) people have shown their understanding,
and light is raised to guide them.

I have seen Talha has taken
the possession of the keys to the public treasuries and storehouses.

If he becomes Caliph (after Uthman), he will follow in the path
of his parental cousin Abu-Bakr.

" Ibn Abbas said: "O'
Mother (of believers), if something happens to that man (i.
Uthman), people would seek asylum only with our companion (namely,

" Aisha replied: "Be quiet! I have no desire to
defy or quarrel with you.


History of al-Tabari, English version, v15, pp 238-239

Another Sunni historian, al-Baladhuri, in his history (al-Ansab
al-Ashraf) said that when the situation became extremely grave,
Uthman ordered Marwan Ibn al-Hakam and Abdurrahman Ibn Attab Ibn
Usayd to try to persuade Aisha to stop campaigning against him
and to help him pass this difficult time.

They went to her while
she was preparing to leave for pilgrimage, and they told her:

"We pray that you stay in Medina, and that Allah may save
this man (Uthman) through you.

" Aisha said: "I have
prepared my means of transportation and vowed to perform the pilgrimage.

By God, I shall not honor your request.

I wish he (Uthman) could
fit to one of my sacks so that I could carry him.

I would then
through him into the sea.


"al-Ansab al-Ashraf", by al-Baladhuri, v4,
part 1, p75

The Battle of Camel

Some traditions in Sahih al-Bukhari imply to the reader that the
dislike of Aisha toward Imam Ali was because Ali suggested the
Prophet to divorce her.

The fact is that the Prophet was about
to divorce her because he himself found her troublesome since
Aisha and Hafsa backed each other against the Prophet to the extent
that Allah sent down a revelation in this regard.

(Please see Part IV for the verses related to divorce of Aisha
and Hafsa and the corresponding traditions from Sahih al-Bukhari).

She often used to offend the Prophet (PBUH&HF) and caused
him distress, but the Prophet (PBUH&HF) was compassionate
and kind, his character lofty, his patience deep, therefore he
frequently said to her, "Your Satan has confused you, O Aisha.

Even if we suppose the story is true (that Imam Ali advised the
Prophet to divorce her), is it a sufficient excuse for her to
disobey the words of God and her husband? Allah, in the beginning
of the verse 33:33 of Quran, orders the wives of the Prophet saying:

And stay in your houses.

Bedizen not yourselves with the
bedizenment of the Time of ignorance.

(Quran 33:33)

Aisha was required by the above verse of Quran to stay at home,
but she disobeyed the order of God.

Is this a sign of piety, purity
and righteousness? All of other wives of the Prophet obeyed the
above injunction with the exception of Aisha.

Historians relate
that Hafsa Bint Umar wanted to go with her for the battle of the

But her brother, Abdullah, reproached her and recited the
aforementioned verse to her.

Hafsa then canceled her plans.

however, rode the camel that that Prophet had forbidden her from
riding and warned her about the barking of al-Haw'ab's dogs:

The Prophet (PBUH&HF) said to his wives: "I wonder which
one of you will be the instigator of the Camel Affair, at whom
the dogs of Haw'ab will bark, and she will be the one who has
deviated from the straight path.

As to you Humayra (i.
, Aisha),
I have warned you in that regard.

Sunni references:

History of Ibn al-Athir, v3, p120

al-Imamah wa al-Siyasah, by Ibn Qutaybah

This prophecy of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HF) took place
28 years later in the plain of al-Haw'ab.

The story that all historians
tend to agree is that during her journey to Basra (to lead the
war of Camel), Aisha passed by the waters of al-Haw'ab and heard
the dogs barking.

She remembered the warning of the Prophet, and
she cried and said: "Take me back! Take me back!" But
Talha and Zubair brought fifty men and bribed them to testify
in front of her that the place was not the plain of al-Haw'ab.

Many Sunni historians believe that those fifty men gave the first
falsified testimony in the history of Islam.

(al-Tabari, Ibn al-Athir,
and al-Mada'ini who wrote on the events of the year 36 AH.

also "The Great Sedition" -- "al-Fitna al-Kubra",
by Taha Husain).

I believe that this narration was fabricated during the time of
the Umayad to reduce the severity of disobedience of Aisha, thinking
that she would be exonerated after her nephew, Abdullah Ibn al-Zubair,
deceived her, coming with fifty men who swore by God and gave
false testimony that the water was not that of al-Haw'ab.

the fabricator of the report who forged this narration find an
excuse for her disobedience to the order of the Prophet of Allah
(PBUH&HF) to stay within her house and the prohibition of
riding a camel before arriving at the well of al-Haw'ab, the watering
place of the barking dogs? Did they find an excuse for her after
she rejected the advice of the Mother of Believers, Umm Salama?
Historians have recorded that:

Umm Salama said to Aisha: "Do you remember the day the Prophet
of Allah (PBUH&HF) proceeded and we were with him and he turned
left from [a place called] Qadid and sat alone with Ali and whispered
to him for a long time? You wanted to force yourself on them;
I tried to prevent you, but you disobeyed me and intruded.

did not take long before you returned in tears.

I asked: 'What
happened to you?' And you replied: 'I approached them and they
were in conversation, so I said to Ali: 'I get with the Prophet
of Allah one day out of nine, so can you not, O son of Abu Talib,
leave me with him on my day?' The Messenger of Allah came towards
me and he was red with anger, and said: 'Go back! By Allah, none
except those who have abandoned faith can hate him'.

Then you
returned repentant and sad.

" Aisha said: "Yes, I remember


Umm Salama continued: "I also remind you that you and I were
with the Prophet of Allah and he said to us: 'Which one of you
will be the rider of the trained camel, at whom the dogs of Haw'ab
will bark, and she will have deviated from the right path?' We
said: 'We seek refuge from Allah and His Prophet from that'.

touched your back and said: 'Don't be that one, O Humayra.

Aisha said: "I remember that.

Umm Salama said: "Do you not remember that day when your
father came with Umar, so we put on our veils.

They came in and
spoke about what they wanted to, until they said: 'O Prophet of
Allah (PBUH&HF) we do not know how long you will be with us.

If only you were to tell us who will succeed you as Caliph over
us, so that there will be after you a place we can turn to.

' He
said to them: 'As for me, I have seen his position [in front of

Were I to do this, you would all fall into disunity as the
Israelites dispersed from Aaron'.

They remained quiet and left.

After they had departed, we came out to the Prophet of Allah and
you said to him, as you were more forthcoming with him than all
of us: 'O Messenger of Allah who did you appoint as Caliph over
them?' He said: The wearer of the mended shoe.

' we went out and
we saw it was Ali.

You said: 'O Prophet of Allah, I do not see
anyone apart from Ali'.

He replied- 'He is the one.

'" Aisha
said "Yes, I remember that.

" Umm Salama said to her:
"So then, Aisha, how can you go ahead after all these"?
She replied "I venture forth to reconcile the people.

Sunni reference:

Commentary of Ibn Abil Hadid, v2, p77

Umm Salama also sought to prevent her from the uprising, using
strong words, saying:

"The pillars of Islam, if they lean, are not set erect by
women; and if they crack, are not joined by women.

The praiseworthy
things for women are lowering their gazes and protecting their

What would you say if the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HF)
appear before you in one of these deserts and finds you driving
your camel from one watering place to another? By Allah, if I
were to embark upon this journey of yours, then it was said to
me: 'Enter paradise' I would be ashamed to face Muhammad after
having thrown off the veils he has placed upon me.

Sunni reference:

Kitab al-Musanif fi Gharib al-Hadith, by Ibn
Qutaybah, Chapter of Imamat and Politics.

Just as Aisha did not accept the advice of many sincere companions,
al-Tabari in his history related that:

Jariyah Ibn Quddama al-Sa'di said to her: 'O mother of the believers,
by Allah, the murder of Uthman is less despicable than you going
out on this accursed camel from your house and bearing arms.

has imposed on you the veil and sanctity, you have destroyed your
cover and defiled your respect.

Surely, whoever sees your uprising,
sees your destruction.

If you come to us obeying, then go back
to your house.

If you have come to us in coercion, then seek the
help of the people".

Sunni reference:

History of al-Tabari, v6, p482

Historians have recorded that she was the general leader of the
battle, supervising, separating people and issuing commands.

when Talha and al-Zubair argued as to who should lead the prayer,
and when both of them wanted to lead, Aisha intervened and removed
them both and ordered Abdullah Ibn Zubair, her nephew, to lead
the dissents in prayer.

She would dispatch messengers with letters which she sent to several
regions, requesting their assistance against Ali Ibn Abi Talib
and urging them with the Jahili zeal.

She even recruited twenty
thousand or more rabble and greedy Arabs to fight and depose the
Commander of the Faithful.

Her urging resulted in zealous discord,
where large numbers of people were killed in the name of defending
and aiding the mother of the believers.

The historians say that
when the companions of Aisha came to Uthman Ibn Hanif, the governor
of Basra, they took him along with seventy of his officers who
were in charge of the public treasury as prisoners.

They brought
them to Aisha who ordered that they be put to death.

They were
slaughtered as sheep are slaughtered.

It is even reported
there were 400 men in all and that they were the first Muslims
whose heads were cut off whilst they were patient.

Sunni references:

History of al-Tabari, v5, p178

Sharh Ibn Abil Hadid, v2, p501

al-Sha'bi reported from Muslim Ibn Abi Bakra from his father "When
Talha and Zubair reached Basra, I put on my sword as I wanted
to help them.

I visited Aisha, she was ordering, prohibiting;
she was in command.

I remembered a Hadith from the Prophet of
Allah (PBUH&HF) which I used to hear him say: 'A community
which has its affairs administered by a woman will never succeed.

I [therefore] withdrew from them and left them".

by al-Bukhari, v8, p97; al-Nisa'i, v4, p305; al-Hakim, v4, p525)

One of the things that makes us laugh and weep at the same time
is that Aisha, went out of her residence in disobedience to Allah
and His Prophet and then ordered the companions to remain in their

This is surely an amazing phenomena! Ibn Abil Hadid, in
his Sharh, along with some other historians, reported that Aisha
sent a letter when she was in Basra to Zaid Ibn Sawhan al-'Abdi
in which she said to him: "From Aisha, the mother of the
believers, daughter of Abu Bakr, the truthful one, wife of the

To her devoted son, Zaid Ibn Sawhan.

Remain at home and
make the people abandon the son of Abu Talib.

I hope to hear what
I would love from you, since you are the most trustworthy of my


This righteous man replied to her thus: "From Zaid Ibn Sawhan
to Aisha Bint Abi Bakr: Allah issued a commandment to you and,
He also issued a commandment to us.

He ordered you to remain in
your residence, and He ordered us to fight.

Your letter has come
to me instructing me to do contrary to what Allah has ordered
me to do, [You have asked me] to do what Allah has ordered you
to do, and that you do what Allah has asked me to do! Your order
to me is [something] that I cannot obey, therefore there is no
reply [necessary] to your letter.

From this, it becomes clear to us that Aisha was not content with
leading the army of the Camel, but rather, she craved for absolute
control over the believers in all the corners of the land.

all matters, she would command Talha and al-Zubair, who had been
nominated for the Caliphate by Umar.

Due to this, she made it
lawful for herself to correspond with the chiefs of the tribes
and with the governors, enticing them and seeking their help.

If the heroes and men, famous for their courage, abandon and flee
from the lines of battle when facing Imam Ali (AS) and would not
stand in front of him, she stood, inciting, screaming and arousing
the people.

Aisha permitted the killing of innocent people, and led the first
civil war against Imam Ali who was chosen by people as Caliph.

The result was massacre of thousands of Muslims according to the
historians (See the History of al-Tabari and the History of Ibn
al-Athir on the events of the year 36 AH).

Allah to whom belong
Might and Majesty stated in Quran:

"And Whoever kills a believer deliberately, his reward is
Hell forever, and the Wrath of Allah is upon him, He cursed him
and prepared a great punishment for him.

" (Quran 4:93)

Nevertheless, the Prophet (PBUH&HF) did not divorce her.

why all this hatred toward Imam Ali (AS)? History has recorded
some of her aggressive actions that could not be explained.

she was on her way back to Mecca, she heard that the plot of Killing
Uthman finally took place, so she became very delighted.

But when
she heard that people had chosen Imam Ali (AS) to succeed him,
she became very angry and said: "I wish the sky would collapse
on the earth before son of Abu Talib (i.
, Ali) could succeed
the Caliphate".

Then she said: "Take me back,"
and thus she started the civil war against Imam Ali (AS) whose
name she disliked to mention.

Sunni traditionists narrated that:

When Ubaydullah Ibn Utbah mentioned to Ibn Abbas that Aisha said
"In his death-illness the Prophet was brought to (Aisha's)
house while his shoulders were being supported by Fadhl Ibn Abbas
and another person", then Abdullah Ibn Abbas said: "Do
you know who this 'other man' was?" Ibn Utbah replied: "No.

Then Ibn Abbas said: "He was Ali Ibn Abi Talib, but she
is averse to name him in a good context

Sunni references:

Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v6, pp 34,228

al-Tabaqat al-Kabir, by Ibn Sa'd, v2, part 2, p29

History of al-Tabari (Arabic), v1, pp 1800-1801

al-Ansab al-Ashraf, by al-Baladhuri, v1, pp 544-545

al-Tabaqat, by Ibn Sa'd, v2, part 2, p29

al-Sunan al-Kubra, by al-Bayhaqi, v3, p396

A milder version of the above tradition has also been mentioned
by al-Bukhari.

(See Sahih al-Bukhari, Arabic-English, traditions
761 and 5.
727 and 5.

The hatred of Aisha toward Imam Ali (AS) is well known.

This was
not just limited to waging war against Imam Ali.

Ahmad Ibn Hanbal
recorded that:

"Ata Ibn Yasar, who says that a certain person came to Aisha
and began to use impudent and abusive words for Ali while
Ammar, was in her presence.

She said to him: "As regards
Ali, I have nothing to tell you
, but as regards Ammar, I have
heard the Messenger of Allah saying about him that if he has to
make a choice between two things he will always choose that which
is better from the point of view of good guidance and salvation.

Sunni reference:

Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v6, p113

Aisha's hatred for Imam Ali (AS) was so much that she always tried
to distance him from the Prophet (PBUH&HF) whenever she could
find the means to do so.

Ibn Abil Hadid, in his commentary on
the Nahjul Balagha reported:

The Prophet of Allah (PBUH&HF) beckoned to Ali to come close.

He came close until he sat between him and Aisha, and he and the
Prophet (PBUH&HF) were clung together.

She said to him "Can
you not find a seat for this one except on my thigh?" Ibn
Abil Hadid also reported that one day the Prophet of Allah (PBUH&HF)
was walking with Imam Ali and the conversation became prolonged.

Aisha approached as she was walking from behind until she came
between them saying: "What is it between you two that you
are taking so long?" Upon this the Prophet of Allah (PBUH&HF)
became angry.

Sunni reference:

Sharh Ibn Abil Hadid, v9, p195

It is also reported that she once came upon the Prophet (PBUH&HF)
whilst he was conversing quietly with Ali.

She screamed and said:
"What is it with you and me, O son of Abu Talib? I have [just]
one day with the Prophet of Allah (PBUH&HF)".

the Prophet (PBUH&HF) became angry.

Would the Prophet (PBUH&HF) be pleased with any believing
man or woman whose heart was filled with hatred and malice towards
his cousin, the leader of his progeny, about whom he said: "He
loves Allah and His Prophet, and Allah and His Prophet love him"?
He also said about him: "Whoever loves Ali has loved me,
and whoever hates Ali has hated me.

" (al-Mustadrak, by al-Hakim,
v3, p130 who said this Tradition is authentic as set by the two
standards of Muslim and Bukhari).

Had Aisha not heard the saying of the Prophet about Ali that "Non
but a believer would love him, and none but a hypocrite would
nurse grudge against him"? (Sahih Muslim, English version,
Chapter XXXIV, p46, Tradition #141; Sahih al-Tirmidhi, v5, p643;
Sunan Ibn Majah, v1, p142; Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal v1, pp 84,95,128;
Tarikh al-Kabir, by al-Bukhari, v1, part 1, p202; Hilyatul Awliyaa,
by Abu Nu'aym, v4, p185; Tarikh, by al-Khateeb al-Baghdadi, v14,

This saying of the Prophet was so well-known that some of the
companions used to say: "We recognized the hypocrites by
their hatred of Ali.

" (Fadha'il al-Sahaba, by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal,
v2, p639, Tradition #1086; al-Isti'ab, by Ibn Abd al-Barr, v3,
p47; al-Riyadh al-Nadhirah, by Muhibbuddin al-Tabari, v3, p242;
Dhakha'ir al-Uqba, by Muhibbuddin al-Tabari, p91).

Moreover, Had Aisha not heard the saying of the Prophet: "Whoever
I am his master, Ali is his master.

O God! Love those who love
him and be hostile to those who are hostile to him"? (Sahih
al-Tirmidhi, v2, p298, v5, p63; Sunan Ibn Majah, v1, pp 12,43)
Undoubtedly she heard all of them, but she did not like them,
and when she heard of the assassination of Imam Ali (AS), she
knelt and thanked Allah!!! (See the History of al-Tabari and the
History of Ibn al-Athir on the events of the year 40 AH).

She was also involved in the intercepting the funeral procession
of al-Hasan, the leader of the Heaven's youth, and prevented his
burial beside his grandfather (the Prophet), and she said: "Do
not let anybody that I don't like enter my house.

" She forgot,
or maybe ignored the saying of the Prophet (PBUH&HF) about
al-Hasan and al-Husain that: "I love them, and Allah loves
those who love them" (Sahih al-Bukhari, Arabic-English, Traditions
90 and 3.
333), or the saying of the Prophet that: "Nothing
has been dearer to me than al-Hasan.

" (Sahih al-Bukhari,
Arabic-English, Tradition 7.

End of Part 7 of 8

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