The Energy Is In The Listener
With many of my clients, the first step I take is to help them understand that they are not seeing the world through their consumers' eyes. They are looking at their consumers rather than experiencing the world as their consumers experience it. The client thinks that the energy is happening within the company or its processes or its packages or its product formulas, but the real energy is happening within its consumers-their lives, their hopes, their families.Many companies that still see themselves as the center of the universe want to increase their gravitational pull, so to speak, and draw their consumers in closer. A company that has made the Copernican Shift understands that it is a moon circling its consumer-she is the center of her own world. The company can increase the brightness and the clarity with which it shines in the sky, making itself stand out from the starry background, but it isn't at the center of things.I remember the words of a philosophy instructor I had. He said that the energy in a conversation really happened inside the listener, not inside the speaker. This is exactly what happens with the Copernican Shift-it's where your message lands and what the listener does with it that are really important.