Secrets From The Innovation Room How To Create HighVoltage Ideas That Make Money, Win Business, And Outwit The Competition [Electronic resources] نسخه متنی

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Secrets From The Innovation Room How To Create HighVoltage Ideas That Make Money, Win Business, And Outwit The Competition [Electronic resources] - نسخه متنی

Kay Allison

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Word By Word

This is a perfect exercise for getting a small group or a team thinking together.

One person writes the beginning of a sentence and passes it to the next person. He or she adds a few words, then the next person adds a few more, and so on. (The sentence doesn't need to specifically address the problem you're working on. In fact, using a sentence that begins 'Our brand personality is . . . ' would defeat the spirit of the exercise.)

During the exercise, no spoken communication is allowed-let the ideas pop out in your writing. Don't restrain yourself, and don't try to push the writing in any particular direction. You'll be surprised at how quickly the group starts to think on the same wavelength.

Depending on the size of your group, you might let the page go around the circle three or four times; surprisingly enough, the writing will often come to its own natural conclusion.

What's Going On Here ¿

Discontinuous problem solving, in which each team member contributes to the outcome, establishes a group dynamic that is conducive to effective brainstorming and idea generation.

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