Chapter 7: Measuring The Voltage
You've made the leap, taken the chances, put yourself out there . . . and now you're reaching the end of the journey of getting in touch with your innate creativity. And yet, it's not so much a journey as a cycle, an experience that you'll have again and again now that you know how. As you generate high-voltage ideas during these cycles of creativity, you need some way to gauge those ideas, to choose among them, to measure their effectiveness before you send them out into the world. That's what this chapter is about.So, you've been through the journey toward creating a high-voltage idea. You've avoided the enemies of ideas; you've asked questions, identified areas of potential energy, shifted your viewpoint, and generated possible solutions.Now what?Now it's time to assess the power of the ideas you've come up with-which of them are high-voltage ideas, and which barely have enough juice to fire up a 40-watt bulb?
In the first chapter, we talked about the zing, the electric charge that a good idea has that springs from a combination of relevance and difference. How do you measure the zing?